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Q: Does selectively permeable membranes allow only certain materials to pass through them?
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What is selectively permeable materials?

Selective permeable materials refer to substances that allow certain molecules or ions to pass through while preventing others from doing so. This property is due to their structure and composition, which includes channels, pores, or specific binding sites that only accommodate certain molecules or ions based on size, charge, or other characteristics. Examples of selectively permeable materials include cell membranes, which regulate the passage of molecules in and out of cells, and semi-permeable membranes used in filtration processes.

Cell membranes that allow certain molecules to pass through while keeping others out are called?

semi permiable I believe, but I'm not 100 percent sure on the spelling selectively permeable

Why is the plasma membrane selectively permeable?

The plasma membrane is selectively permeable because it needs to allow certain things in and certain things out.The plasma membrane is a selectively permeable membrane as it allows the entry and exit of some selected substances only.

What does the term selectively permable mean?

it means it let some materials pass through it while block the way of others for example; the outer shell of egg

What is an example of a selectively permeable?

A selectively permeable cell membrane allows certain molecules or ions to pass through it by means of active or passive transport. The most common example is the phospholipid bilayer cell membrane that surrounds all of our body cells. The inner membranes of an egg are also selectively permeable membranes.

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What is the function of a selectively permeable membranes?

selectivley permeable membranes only allow certain materials to pass through.It allows some molecules to enter the cell and blocks entry to others.

What is a membrane that allows some substances to pass through but excludes others?

A membrane that lets some substances pass through but not others is known as a semipermeable membrane. Other terms that describe this type of membrane are: selectively permeable, partially permeable, or differentially permeable.

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What is selectively permeable materials?

Selective permeable materials refer to substances that allow certain molecules or ions to pass through while preventing others from doing so. This property is due to their structure and composition, which includes channels, pores, or specific binding sites that only accommodate certain molecules or ions based on size, charge, or other characteristics. Examples of selectively permeable materials include cell membranes, which regulate the passage of molecules in and out of cells, and semi-permeable membranes used in filtration processes.

What does it mean to say most biological membranes are selectively permeable?

Selectively permeability is a property of biological membranes that allows them to regulate the passage of substances across them. In spite of heavy traffic through them, cell membranes are selectively permeable, and substances do not cross the barrier indiscriminately.

What is selectively perimeable?

selectively permeable means that the substance which is selectively permeable allows only selected materials to pass through it.

How many shell membranes in egg?

Eggs have selectively permeable membranes, just like those of cells (they can only allow certain materials or objects to pass through, kind of like a screen door).

Cell membranes that allow certain molecules to pass through while keeping others out are called?

semi permiable I believe, but I'm not 100 percent sure on the spelling selectively permeable

What is a thin sheet of materials that selectively aloows certain molecules to cross but prevents others from crossing?

Semi-permeable membrane

Does the cell membrane let the good cells in a the bad cells out?

It depends. Cell membranes are selectively permeable. Meaning it will only let certain things in and out of the cell.

Membranes that allow only certain substances to pass through are called semipermeable and?

selectively-permeable membrane and the process of this type of diffusion is called fascilitated diffusion