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4d ago

Selsun Blue primarily targets dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp, not sun age spots. For sun age spots, it is better to use products containing ingredients like hydroquinone, retinoids, or alpha hydroxy acids that are specifically formulated to help fade pigmentation caused by sun damage. Consulting a dermatologist for the most effective treatment is recommended.

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Q: Does selsun blue remove sun age spots?
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Continue Learning about Gerontology

Why do old people get age spots?

Age spots, also known as solar lentigines, are caused by prolonged sun exposure over a person's lifetime. The ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can damage the skin's pigment-producing cells, leading to the formation of dark spots on the skin. This damage accumulates over time, resulting in the appearance of age spots in older individuals.

What does it mean if you have got teenage spots at a young age?

Having teenage spots at a young age may indicate early onset of puberty, hormonal imbalances, genetic predisposition, or poor skincare habits. It's important to consult a dermatologist to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

How can you tell someones age?

You can usually estimate someone's age based on physical appearance, such as wrinkles or age spots on their skin, the color of their hair, or their posture. However, the most accurate way to determine someone's age is by asking them directly.

My 11 year old son has white spots on his underwear what are they?

White spots on underwear at that age could be due to several reasons, such as normal discharge, sweat, or residual detergent. It's usually not a cause for concern, but if there are other symptoms like itching, redness, or odors, it's best to consult a doctor to rule out any infections or skin conditions. Regular washing with gentle detergent and ensuring proper hygiene practices can help prevent these spots.

Why do old women die their hair blue?

Some older women dye their hair blue for a variety of reasons, including personal style expression, rebellion against societal norms regarding aging, or simply because they like the color blue. Hair dyeing can also be a fun and creative way for them to experiment with their appearance as they age.

Related questions

Remove age spots?

You can remove age spots by lightening them with lemon juice. You can also use glycolic or salicylic acid. Consult your dermatologist about prescription treatments.

Where can I find informational books on removal of age spots?

Age spots come with age. The best way to have younger looking skin without the age spots would be to go to These dermatologists can instruct you on the best books to buy for your mother to help her to learn what they are and how to diminish or remove them.

How do doctors remove age spots?

Lightening creams such as hydroquinone and laser or light devices such as an IPL or Ruby laser

Is there a cream that is available for getting rid of age spots?

There are lotions that reduce the appearance of age spots, however they won't remove them. A dermatologist would be the best bet for removal, but over the counter creams are available. Try ULTA cosmetics, or clinique.

Does spots on lady bug tell age?

No, the spots on the lady bug do not tell age.

If a ladybird has spots if it has that many spots is that its age?

The number of spots is dependent on the species - there are several species of ladybugs - and not the age. They stay the same number of spots their whole Life.

Can age spots kill you?

True age spots are harmless, but they can look like cancerous growth.

What are some good age spot treatments.?

Patient's Guide to Age Spots is a dermatologist reviewed resource on age spots, sun spots, liver spots, treatment, removal, and other types of sun damage to the skin.

How you can remove dark spots from face?

== == Age spots are sometimes called "liver spots," but they have nothing to do with the liver. These flat, brown spots are often caused by years in the sun. They are bigger than freckles, flat, and many times show up on areas like the face, hands, arms, back, and feet. Age spots are harmless, but if they bother you, talk to a dermatologist about removing them. Also, a sunscreen or sunblock may prevent more sun damage.

What causes age spots?


What age do dalmatian dog get spots?

A Dalmatian is born with a plain white coat. Their spots will usually start to appear around 3 weeks of age.

Do bobcats lose their spots?

Yes, as they age bobcats do tend to lose their spots. However, the spots do not completely diminish. Instead, they fade in color.