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no, james willman is a batty boy.

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Q: Does sending a message through nerves require ATP?
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Is the nerves carry message from the body through spinal cord?


What tells the muscle when to move?

Your brain tells the muscle to move by sending electric impulses through your nerves to your muscles.

How do muscles get signals from the brain?

Brain sends signal through spinal cord to nerves. Nerves contract which muscle to move and sends a message back to the brain. BOOM! Movement.

Why does your eye blink when you taste something sour?

it is because a chemical is released from the right hand side of your brain sending nerves through the vessels in your eye soccet. causing your eye to twitch.

What the nerves carry the message to the brain?

Depending on where the "message" originates, it would generally be the periphrial nervous system carrying the message to the central nervous system, which is then processed by the appropriate neurons in the brain. The class of these nerves are the "efferent" nerves.

What nerves send message to the brain?


Do you have bone in the brain?

No, the part of the body that controls your body is the brain. It works by sending messages via the nerves and going to the part of the body. For example, if you wanted to move your leg, your brain will send a message to your nerves via the spinal cord.

Path way of the message to the nervous system?

The stimuli will be picked up by the sensory neurons then nerve impulses travel to your spinal cord. Those nerve impulses return to motor neurons that will react (like you pull your hand away, or you yell) as you react the nerve impulses travel to your brain.

How doe the brain control the body?

By sending and receiving messages through the nervus system.Your brain controls your body using nerves and communicates somehow with your muscles.C.Burgess

What do the nerves in your eye do?

It sends the message to your brain of what your seeing

What interprets the message sent by different nerves?

The Brain

Nerves that transmits message from the rods and cones?

The nerves that transmit messages from the rods and cones are called optic nerves. Rods and cones are specialized cells in the retina of the eye that detect light and convert it into electrical signals. These signals are then transmitted through the optic nerves to the brain, where they are processed and interpreted as visual information.