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It will take a while but eventually the smell will go. If you apply tomato sauce (as in the one used for pasta) or take your dog to the beach it will help reduce the smell, but never the less it take some time.

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Q: Does skunk smell go away on it own when yr dog has been sprayed?
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form_title= Skunks form_header= Keep your home smell free. How long has the skunk been there?*= _ [50] Has anyone been sprayed by the skunk?*= () Yes () No What have you tried so far?*= _ [50]

What smelly event occurred as a result of Avery's actions how did it happen in Charlotte's Web?

As a result of Avery's actions, the skunk sprayed him, causing a terrible smell. Avery had been tormenting the skunk, leading to the smelly event.

Why bathe in tomato sauce?

If you've been sprayed by a skunk, tomato juice will neutralize the smell. I'm sure sauce would do the same thing, but juice is much easier.

How do you get rid of skunk smell from a car?

Make up the following mixture and spray it on your car where the smell seems to be. . If you get the mixture on all the skunk smell it reacts chemically to kill the smell. ( Works great on dogs and other animals that may have been sprayed.) 1 quart of 3 percent Peroxide 1/4 cup Baking Soda 1 tsp of liquid Soap

How do you get rid of the smell once you been sprayed by a skunk?

Purchase What Odor? I used it for this it's non toxic so completely safe and completely eliminates odor for good Bathe in Tomato juice.

How do you get skunk spray off other than tomato sauce?

This may sound crazy, BUT IT WORKS!! I have been sprayed many times by a skunk, (because of my job) and thought my clothes were ruined by the smell, just use douche summers eve, massengil, etc. any of them will work!!

How do you kill a cockroach with the use of lemon grass?

You cannot kill cockroaches with lemon grass. They simply do not like the smell of it so they will stay away from areas that have been sprayed with it.

Is there skunk oil in perfume?

Yes indeed. They use the musk from a skunk or a civet cat as a constituent that carries the scent of the perfume. The distilled water and types of oil that are in perfume will not hold the perfume's scent for very long at all, so they use the skunk/cat oil because the main compound in the musk (butyl mercaptan) holds a scent for a very long time. If you have ever been sprayed by a skunk, or know someone who has been sprayed by a skunk, you should understand that the smell lasts for several days. Perfumes usually do not last that long though, because the amount of musk is very little and very deluded. So, perfume might last a couple days as opposed to a weeks or so, but at least that means you're not wearing as much skunk piss as you originally thought. isn't that comforting?

Can a dog die from skunk spray?

Skunk smell can make certain people who are sensitive to the smell be nauseous or even vomit. Skunk smell can also explode red blood cells, causing anemia, skin paling, and fatigue. The smell also has the ability to keep some people awake at night, causing their body to grow tired and vulnerable to disease. Fortunately though, most people have no serious reaction to skunk smell, and some people even adore it!

What part of speech is the word skunk?

The word "skunk" is both a noun and a verb.The noun "skunk" is a word for a type of mammal with a capability of spraying malodorous effluvia when annoyed; a word for a thing.The verb "skunk" means to have been sprayed by a such an animal; to to prevent an opponent from scoring or succeeding; to defeat completely; a word for an action.

How to get rid of Skunk spray on couch?

The main key to removing skunk odor is speed. The quicker you wash what has been sprayed the better chance you have to remove the odor. When it comes to clothes and throw carpets you will want to get those in the washer as soon as possible, using a product to help remove odor and stains may help along with you regular laundry detergent. When a pet gets sprayed there are several home remedies that may work, the key is get the animal bathed as quickly as possible. When you find you are the one that has been sprayed get to the shower as fast as you can. Isolating the pet, person or item that has been sprayed is important in keeping the odor from spreading throughout your home. When you are using homemade remedies you have found or that have been recommended to you and they are not working you may want to try skunk odor removing products that are available to you.

How far away does an object have to be for a wolf to smell it?

Wolves have been known to smell objects as far away as 1.6 km. An object does not have to be far away for a wolf to smell it, though - they can smell something right next to their nose.