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Q: Does sleeping on your stomach make your butt flat?
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How can you make your stomach fatter?

Eat lots of carbs. they go straight to your stomach and legs and butt.

You are African American and you have a flat as a pancake butt and big hips Why is your body like that and what can you do to make your butt more shapely and rounder?

you pick your butt

Will running make your stomach flat?

no.. not eating so much makes ur tummy flat

Does sleeping on a full stomach make you sleep longer?

I believe that eating before going to bed tends to keep you awake rather than sleeping longer.

My stomach is fairly flat my thighs are average but my butt is huge and not shrinking even though I've been running and walking tons more How do i make it smaller without taking drastic measures?

its probably because its not fat and instead muscle (mostly)

Best Flat Stomach Diet?

It can often be difficult to find the best diet to help you get a flat stomach. However, by learning to follow a flat stomach diet, you should be able to enjoy one in no time at all. Getting a flat stomach requires that your body burns more calories than it consumes on a daily basis. Replace one of your current meals with a low calorie snack such as yogurt on a daily basis and make the effort to perform stomach working exercises such as sit ups on a daily basis. This should help you get a flat stomach quickly.

How do you make your stomach fat go to your butt?

Fat transfer or Brazilian butt lift $$$$$$

What happens when you inject water into your butt?

hahahahahaha.... thats a funny question it will make your butt go larger lolz

Does cycling give you a flat stomach?

It does make your legs bigger. I mean like it increases your muscles like quadriceps

When you sleep on your sides you breakout?

True yet untrue.True: If you haven't washed sheets in more than four days then the oils and dirt from your skin is on the sheets which could make you break out.Untrue: Just the sleeping position won't make you breakout. Sleeping on your stomach could make you breakout.

Will sit-ups make your butt bigger or smaller?

neither. it strengthens the muscles in your butt. which could mean a smaller butt for fatter people since building muscle lowers fat cells' sizes, and could mean a bigger butt for skinner body types because there is no fat, and the muscle is building.

How do you make a guy fall in love with me if he is blaming my flat butt?

just pray to god that to make him realise his mistake don't try to impress him but madly love then he will be ur man seriously try this