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Yes smoking effects your white cells and especially your breathing lungs.

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Q: Does smoking cigarettes and pot effect white blood cell count?
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Does smoking have an effect on sperm count?

Tobacco can, marijuana does not.

Does blood test count as if you smoke weed?

No a blood test does not count towards smoking of any kind

Does smoking weed decrease sperm?

Yes, marijuana, alcohol abuse, cigarettes and some drugs can effect not only your sperm count but also the health (motility) of the sperm.

Can smoking cigerates lower sperm count?

That would be the least of my worries as cigarettes can cause many different forms and types of cancer.

Do asthma or arthritis have any effect on blood count values?

Arthritis can have an effect on the blood counts as well as the drugs used to treat it.

Why does certain people suffer from a lack of white blood cell?

it could be caused by a disease...smoking also eliminates your white blood cell count

Can a vaccine effect blood work results?

I guess it could possibly raise the white blood cell count a little but in general vaccines should have no effect.

Can smoking kill blood cells?

In many cases smoking can be a cause of blood cells dieing it has also been tested and proven by students from Cambridge University that due to a low white blood cell count caused by smoking can result in frequent vomiting due to lack of oxygen which can be caused by sporting activities. Professor priestly

Does smoking tobacco kill your blood cells?

In many case's smoking can be a cause of blood cells dieing it has also been tested and proven by students from cambridge university that due to a low white blood cell count caused by smoking can result in frequent vomiting due to lack of oxygen which can be caused by sporting activities.

Cigarette smoke produces carbon monoxide If a non smoker smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for a few weeks what would happen to his reticulocyte count?

The reticulocyte increases in person with the smoking history.

What is the effect of bleeding?

Anemia or low red blood cell count causes fatigue and dizziness.

How long will it take if you stop smoking weed to conceive?

There is no stats to support that smoking weed will stop you from conceiving. It's not a form of contraception. It's rumored to effect your sperm count, but this will still allow contraception.