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No. The first sperm to reach the egg fertilizes it and the rest have no affect on it. Hello, No it doesn't. Sperms main objective is to fertilise the egg. If the egg has already been fertilised, then the sperm simply dies without causing harm to yourself or the Embryo.

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Q: Does sperm cause harm to a fertilized egg or stop it from attaching itself to the uterus?
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Can you have a healthy baby after a miscarriage and two abortions?

Yes you can. The concern would be what caused your miscarraige and is it likely to cause one again and scar tissue in your uterus from previous abortion. Scar tissue can cause the placenta from attaching correctly.

Where is the fertilization of the baby takes place?

The fertilization of an egg cell by a sperm cell takes place, in normal pregnancies, in the woman's uterus. The fertilized egg then implants into the wall of the uterus and begins to grow there until it is time to deliver the baby. In some circumstances, however, the sperm might find the egg before the egg reaches the uterus, and the egg may be fertilized in the fallopian tube. Often, an egg fertilized in the fallopian tube will continue its path to the uterus and implant normally. It is possible, though, that the egg will implant in the fallopian tube and become an ectopic pregnancy. If not caught early, this complication can cause problems for both mother and baby.

Why do the lining of the uterus thickens from around day 5 until some days after the egg has been released?

The lining of the uterus thickens because it goes into a protective mode. This is to protect the egg should it become fertilized. Sometimes this can cause cramping during the menstrual cycle.

Why do all woman have menstruation?

A woman's internal sex organs consist of two ovaries, the Fallopian tubes, the uterus (womb) and the vagina. The ovaries contain the ovum with which she is born. During each period, an ovum will usually ripen and mature due to the action of hormones that circulate in the bloodstream. At maturity the ovum is released the ovary and drifts down the Fallopian tube into the uterus. The lining of the uterus, the endometrium, has been thickened as aresult of the hormones and isprepared receive the fertilised egg. If the egg is fertilized and the woman becomes pregnant, it will fasten itself onto the endometrium. However If the egg is not fertilized, hormonal changes cause the endometrium to fall away and menstruation begins. Menstrual discharge is composed of the endometrium itself, together little fresh blood caused by the breaking of very fine blood vessels within the endometrium as it falls away from the inside of the uterus.

How can an ectopic pregnancy occur?

An ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilized egg stays in the Fallopian tube instead of moving into the uterus. As it grows it can rupture the tube and cause serious bleeding so it is a medical emergency. Past infections or other narrowings of the tube can be a cause. Usually no cause is identified.

Does pregnancy cause inflammation in the uterus?

Pregnancy does not cause inflammation in the uterus. Inflammation of the uterus during pregnancy would serve no biological purpose.

What is the earliest implantation bleeding occurs?

Implantation can sometimes cause a bit of spotting or bleeding, known as implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding is a small amount of bleeding in the uterus that occurs when the egg implants into the uterus. A specific tissue, known as trophoblast, develops from the fertilized egg and it surrounds it. It is what attaches the egg to the inside of the uterus, and actually eats its way into the uterus. The trophoblast actually pulls the egg to the inside of the endometrium. Trophoblast even invades the mother's blood vessels and diverts her blood to the fertilized egg. Sometimes, this blood will leak and this causes implantation bleeding. Thus, it is possible that it can be as many as 5 to 14 days between the time of sexual intercourse and the time that the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. 14 days is a little long, it usually takes five days just for the egg to travel down the fallopian tube.

What does it mean if your uterus lining is thick but you are not pregnant?

Premenstrually the lining thickens and is later shed if there is no fertilized egg to implant into the lining. A hormonal imbalance, infection or endometriosis can all cause a thickening of the lining, irregularly during your cycle.

Does Puberty cause stomach cramps?

For girls on their periods, then yes. This happens because when an egg is not fertilized in the ovaries, the uterus sheds its lining because it is not needed. The over flexing of the uterus may cause some soreness in the lower abdomen. Only some girls experience cramps however, and you can dull the pain usaually with a hot bath/shower, heating pad, and you could also get up and excersize or stretch.

Does the copper T cause dryness as it blocks the fluids from the uterus?

The copper T does not block fluids from the uterus and should not cause dryness.

What is implantation bleeding and when does it happen?

Implantation bleeding is vaginal discharge which usually contains a small amount of pinkish or brownish blood. Only about a third of pregnant women experience implantation bleeding. It can happen at the time the fertilized egg implants in the uterus, on average between 6 to 12 days past ovulation. Unless accompanied by cramping, backache or increased bleeding, a small amount of blood being discharged should be considered as implantation bleeding which is nothing to be concerned about. Implantation can sometimes cause a bit of spotting or bleeding, known as implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding is a small amount of bleeding in the uterus that occurs when the egg implants into the uterus. A specific tissue, known as trophoblast, develops from the fertilized egg and it surrounds it. It is what attaches the egg to the inside of the uterus, and actually eats its way into the uterus. The trophoblast actually pulls the egg to the inside of the endometrium. Trophoblast even invades the mother's blood vessels and diverts her blood to the fertilized egg. Sometimes, this blood will leak and this causes implantation bleeding. Thus, it is possible that it can be as many as 7 to 14 days between the time of sexual intercourse and the time that the fertilized egg implants in the uterus.

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