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Q: Does spring roll wrapper gluten free?
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What's the difference between a spring roll and Eggroll?

The main difference between a spring roll and an egg roll is that a spring roll has a clear, non-fried wrapper while an egg roll has a fried opaque wrapper.

Are egg roll wrappers gluten free?

Chinese food can contain gluten from either the Soy Sauce (made with wheat) or any of the various flours in the noodles or wrappers. (The wrappers themselves have NO soy sauce). Chinese food does not use wheat flour as a thickener. Egg roll wrappers are typically made with wheat noodle and although relatively low gluten, might not be ideal for those who are sensitive. Spring rolls are usually made from rice If you have a severe reaction to Gluten or Wheat it is best to ask for a special-prepared dish. Many restaurants will do their best to assist you but you mush be very specific in what you are asking for. MANY restaurants will substitute spring roll wrappers by request. It gives a different texture, lighter and more crispy when deep fried than egg roll wrapper.

Can you have spring rolls on the Daniel fast?

You would have to find a spring roll wrapper that is totally rice or make your own. You would also have to bake them and use your own spices, but it's possible!!

Are chinese spring rolls wheat free?

Chinese spring rolls are not considered to be wheat free. Spring roll wrappers are made of wheat flour and water.

What is the difference between a spring roll and a egg roll?

According to thefood dictionary at ... an egg roll is a small, stuffed Chinese pastry usually served as an appetizer, filled with minced vegetables and meat, rolled in a wrapper which is make of egg, salt, water, and dough, then deep fried. A spring roll is smaller, more delicate version of an egg roll and are traditionally served on the first day of the Chinese new year... which takes place in early spring. Even though the recipe to make egg roll and spring roll are the same, typically egg roll wrappers are a little thicker.

What is the difference between a spring roll and an egg roll?

According to thefood dictionary at ... an egg roll is a small, stuffed Chinese pastry usually served as an appetizer, filled with minced vegetables and meat, rolled in a wrapper which is make of egg, salt, water, and dough, then deep fried. A spring roll is smaller, more delicate version of an egg roll and are traditionally served on the first day of the Chinese new year... which takes place in early spring. Even though the recipe to make egg roll and spring roll are the same, typically egg roll wrappers are a little thicker.

What is a tootsie roll wrapper made of?

Wax paper.

Is the Pearson SAlted nut roll gluten free?

I hope so cuz i just ate one and have celiac disease

Where did the spring roll come from?

Taiwan, Spring roll are from taiwan. :)

What if there is a star on the Tootsie roll Wraper?

It used to mean you could take the wrapper and get a free tootsie pop. Some stores still hold to this but you would have to check with your local store.

Would your puppy survive if she ate half of a Tootsie Roll and half of the wrapper?

I sure hope not

What does a roll of dimes weigh?

Including the paper wrapper, it weighs just under 4 ounces.