

Does sugar act as a diuretic?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: Does sugar act as a diuretic?
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Pineapple is not known as a diuretic in average serving sizes. As a bromelain, it does act as an anti-inflammatory agent.

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the sugar act came first

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The Sugar Act of 1934 regulated sugar imports

What happened the the sugar act?

The Sugar Act was a tax put on sugar by King George.

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Was the stamp act before or after the sugar act?

After. The stamp act was added in 1765 and the sugar act was improved in 1764.

What foods are anti-diuretics?

Anti-diuretic foods are those that prevent the production of urine. Anti-diuretic foods are those which do not include many fruits and vegetables and foods rich in salt, sugar, and fat.

What time was sugar act?

The Sugar Act went in to effect in 1764.