

Does sweat come from kidney

Updated: 12/7/2022
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Q: Does sweat come from kidney
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What excrete excess salt and water?

The salt glands excrete excess salts and water from the body. The urinary tract is also used for this purpose through the kidney.

Where do cats sweat come from?

Cats sweat from the pads on their feet. They are unable to sweat elsewhere.

What organs aid excretion?

Excretion is performed through the large intestine through the anus and rectum, and by the kidney through the bladder and urethra. Excretion also occurs through the sweat glands and by the lungs through the bronchi and the nose and mouth.

What is pelvocaliectasia left kidney?

left kidney mild pelvocaliectasia means you have a stone in the left kidney causing pelvocaliectasia it means pelvo comes from the word pelvis,calie come from the word calies then tasia come from the word enlargement.

Two waste products sweat glands release?

water, salt, and other waste products come out of your body when you sweat

What is left kidney mild pelvocaliectasia?

left kidney mild pelvocaliectasia means you have a stone in the left kidney causing pelvocaliectasia it means pelvo comes from the word pelvis,calie come from the word calies then tasia come from the word enlargement.

How are kidneys and sweat glands alike?

They all part of the excretory system. Kidney is well known organ of excretion. The volatile substances are excreted by lungs. Sweat glands also excretes few substances. (Like heavy metals, probably.)

Where does musk fragrance come from and what part of the animal?

Sweat Glands and Anus

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Do magic mushrooms come out in your sweat?

Well one I took some and went to tge park to walk the trails and I sweat and seem to barely trip

Why do people have salty tears?

Water is moved from the body to the tears by creating an osmotic gradient to pull the water from the interstitial fluid. In that sense a tear (lacrimal) or sweat gland is like a small kidney in reverse. Blood pressure + osmotic pressure = tears or sweat.

How come there are socks on this planet?

Because they will soak up your foot sweat, and we need them!