

Does swimming during menstruation is dangerous?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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It's perfectly safe to go swimming on your period - you can do anything during your period that you would any other time of your menstrual cycle, no reason not to swim on your period.

To swim on your period you should use internal menstrual products such as tampons, menstrual sponges, menstrual cups or softcups - this is to stop blood getting in the water, although menstrual blood isn't dirty no one wants to be swimming through your blood in a public pool! In a private pool or in natural water like the sea you can go without internal menstrual products but you do so knowing that getting out of the water people will be able to see your bleeding.

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although I don't recommend it, unless you are wearing a tampon.

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Would you fall pregnant during your period?

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