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Yes, in a sense tadpoles use gills and lungs to obtain oxygen. When they first hatch they use gills, Eventually, they become less dependent on the gills as they grow lungs.

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Q: Does tadpoles use gills and lungs to obtain oxygen?
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Where do amphibians get oxygen?

From there souroundings Amphibians as larvea or tadpoles use gills to obtain oxygen. They then go into a metamorphic stage where they have both gills and developing lungs, and as adult they breath through lungs as we do.

Do frogs neeed oxygen?

As tadpoles they have gills and swim in the water all day, but when they become frogs they produce lungs and lungs need oxygen. So yes they do need oxygen.

What does tadpoles use to breathe?

They are little fish. Tadpoles live in water, and they require oxygen to survive, therefore they have gills. The gills allow the tadpoles to breathe.

What structure that animals use to obtain oxygen?

Lungs, gills and sometimes skin.

How does a tadpole breath?

Tadpoles breath through their gills, the same way that fish do.

What does amphibians breathe with?

Well Tadpoles breath through there gills but as the tadpoles turn into frogs the gills wear off and are replaced by lungs. So both.

A type of amphibian that begins life with gills and grows up to have lungs?

Frogs and toads have gills as tadpoles, and lungs as adults.

How do amphibians like frogs and salamanders breathe?

Amphibians as larvea or tadpoles use gills to obtain oxygen. They then go into a metamorphic stage where they have both gills and developing lungs, and as adult they breath through lungs as we do.

What does gills mean in science term?

Gills are an organ that fish have, that enables them to obtain oxygen from the water that they are in; it is what fish use instead of lungs.

What is another way amphibians can obtain oxygen other than gills and lungs?

through there skin.....

What do amphibian's breath out of?

Tadpoles use gills to breath. Adult amphibians breath with their lungs, and frogs can get a little oxygen from their skin, when moist or wet.

Do shark have lungs?

No, they have gills.Sharks do not breathe with lungs, but with gills that absorb the oxygen in the water.