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No, unfortunately the church appears to actually promote some forms of prejudice and discrimination; that against homosexuality is one of the most notable.

AnswerNo. Many of the Churches are asleep to the prejudice and discrimination been levelled against their own members of the body of Christ and know little about how to challenge the rights and freedoms that are being slowly taken from them in the ironic name of religious tolerance.
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Q: Does the Christian Church do enough to challenge prejudice and discrimination in your society?
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Related questions

why is prejudice functional for society?

Prejudice is not functional for society. It can lead to discrimination, inequality, and harm individuals and communities. Promoting empathy, understanding, and inclusivity would be more beneficial for society as a whole.

What groups in the current society are targeted most for prejudice?

Some of the groups targeted most for prejudice in current society include racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+ individuals, immigrants, people with disabilities, and religious minorities. These groups often face discrimination, stereotyping, and systemic barriers that can impact their daily lives and opportunities. It is important to address and challenge prejudice to create a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

What is the pledge against prejudice?

The pledge against prejudice is a commitment to treat all individuals with fairness, respect, and openness, regardless of their race, religion, gender, or any other characteristic. It aims to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of society and to actively challenge discrimination and bias wherever it occurs.

Whose reponsibility is it to stop prejudice and discrimination?

It is the responsibility of individuals, communities, and societies as a whole to actively work towards stopping prejudice and discrimination. Governments, institutions, and organizations also have a role in establishing laws, policies, and initiatives to combat prejudice and discrimination. Ultimately, it requires collective effort and commitment to create a more inclusive and equitable society.

What are some reasons why prejudice is bad?

Prejudice is harmful because it leads to discrimination and unfair treatment of individuals or groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, or religion. It can perpetuate stereotypes, limit opportunities, and create divisions in society. Prejudice undermines diversity, equality, and social cohesion.

What does prejudice can kill and suspicion can destroy mean?

This phrase highlights the destructive power of prejudice and suspicion in relationships and society. Prejudice can lead to discrimination and violence, causing harm to individuals and communities. Suspicion can erode trust and create division, hindering cooperation and understanding. Both can have damaging consequences if not addressed.

What is the discrimination in test match sabina park?

The discrimination in the test match at Sabina Park refers to racial segregation and unfair treatment of non-white players during cricket matches in Jamaica. This discrimination was particularly prevalent during the colonial era when racial prejudice was deeply ingrained in society.

What are the consequences of discrimination on a society between prejudice and discrimination?

Discrimination is the valuable and necessary determining and acting on the real differences among people. We necessarily discriminate between the skillful and the unskilled, between the honest and the dishonest, between the energetic and the lazy. Prejudice is acting on differences among people without determining that they actually exist. To PRE-judge, means deciding to treat people differently BEFORE determining that they are actually different, merely assuming they are different.

What is subconscious prejudice?

Subconscious prejudice refers to biases and discriminatory attitudes that individuals hold on a subconscious level, without being aware of it. These prejudices can influence our thoughts, feelings, and behavior towards certain groups or individuals without our conscious awareness. Subconscious prejudice can lead to discrimination and perpetuate inequality in society.

Do we live in a society of discrimination?


How does discrimination affects the society?

it divides society into segments

What will happen if diversity is not accepted in the society?

If diversity is not accepted in society, it can lead to discrimination, prejudice, and inequality. This can result in social division, tension, and conflict among different groups within the society. Embracing diversity is essential for fostering a more inclusive, equitable, and harmonious community.