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Q: Does the Great Value brand of Walmart Lite Yogurt contain probiotics?
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Are there active cultures in Great Value brand yogurt?

The great value brand from Walmart has no information on live active cultures

Why You Should Eat Probiotic Yogurt?

One of the big buzz words in food these days is "probiotics." Probiotics represent an area of science dealing with beneficial bacteria -- often as it applies to the human diet. You may realize that yogurt can contain active cultures (bacteria) that help maintain good digestive health, but that's not all probiotics have the potential of doing for your health and well-being. It turns out that the beneficial bacteria in yogurt may contribute to oral health, too. Here's how it works.Probiotic Yogurt and Oral HealthThe human mouth contains hundreds of different types of bacteria. Some are good bacteria, but most are bad news for oral health. The good bacteria help keep the worst of the bad bacteria under better control. Probiotics like those found in yogurt, in conjunction with better oral care like regular brushing, may help control the amount of bad bacteria in the mouth, protecting teeth and reducing the risk of bacteria spreading to other areas of the body. If you like the idea of using beneficial bacteria to help keep your mouth in better shape but don't like the taste of yogurt, you may start seeing probiotic toothpastes and gums on the market -- if you haven't already.Other Benefits of YogurtThat's not all yogurt does for your body. Yogurt is high in calcium, potassium, magnesium, Vitamin B-2 and Vitamin B-12. A six ounce serving of yogurt also contains nine grams of protein and may be fortified with Vitamin D (a necessary component for the absorption of calcium).Need more persuasion? We like the link between probiotics and oral health because it's an emerging science that merits closer scrutiny, but cultured yogurt has long been associated with discouraging vaginal infections and in maintaining healthy digestion by introducing and supporting the development of "good" bacteria in the body.We should mention a few things about what constitutes an "active" yogurt culture. This is yogurt with live bacteria living in it. It's not as creepy as it sounds. Cheese is made in part from the action of minute, living organisms, as is wine and, of course, bread. The bacteria in yogurt can be fragile, though, and not all yogurt products contain active (or live) cultures. Frozen yogurt does not contain active cultures (sorry), and not all active cultures are necessarily beneficial for, say, oral health.If you want to eat right, yogurt has a legitimate claim as a healthy food. At the very least, it rivals milk and cheese in its ability to help replenish calcium and build strong bones and teeth, and in the end, developing a taste for probiotic yogurt may do a great deal more for your body than that.[video=]

Pros and cons of probiotics for children?

Probiotics for children are a great way to help reduce issue that stem from infection. To much of this chemical though can often times lead to issues with growth later in life.

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Where can I find some great yogurt smoothie recipes online?

Smoothies are a pretty great way to cool down, I must agree. You can find just about any kind of yogurt smoothie here:

Yogurt is my kids favorite foods, what are some healthy options?

Yogurt is a great food for kids. Some neat ways to dress it up are by adding fruit or granola to the yogurt.

10 Superfoods for a Healthy Diet?

To help make a healthy diet more simple, here are ten of the best foods to regularly eat. Berries: Contain antioxidants and are a great source of fiber. Nuts: Full of protein and heart-healthy fats. Yogurt: Contains probiotics, which are great for the digestive system. Salmon: Great source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Broccoli: Full of vitamins, including bone building Vitamin K. Beans: Great for the heart! Sweet potatoes: Packed with Vitamins A and C and Calcium. Mangoes: One cup contains 100% of a day's Vitamin C. Eggs: An easy source of protein. Garlic: Full of vitamins and aids digestion.

What can you substitute to buttermilk that is vegeterian?

A great substitute is soy yogurt.

What protects the stomach lining?

There are many things that protect the stomach lining. This includes good bacteria that you can ingest through yogurt. Probiotics are great for this reason.

What winter skin care products are oil free and contain sunscreen?

St. Ives is a great product for winter skin. WalMart is a store that sells many items online. You can purchase St. Ives from WalMart and they will have it delivered to the store for free or to your home for a nominal cost.

Can you feed your 7 month old dog yogurt?

Yogurt is a great baby food. It contain lots of high quality protein, plenty of calcium, and beneficial bacteria. It is appropriate to offer yogurt to babies generally after six months of age, and then only as a supplement to formula or breast milk, not as a replacement. You indicate that you would like to try yogurt in this manner, which is fine. Choose the plain, full fat yogurt. Babies do not need the added sugar of the flavored variety. If your baby does not care for the yogurt plain, try adding a little mashed fruit such as banana, applesauce or papaya.

Can you eat natural yogurt during pregnancy?

Yes, you certainly can. All milk in Australia is pasteurised prior to being made into yoghurt, so it is safe to eat during pregnancy. Natural yoghurt is a great source of calcium, protein, and beneficial probiotics. It is also much easier to digest than other dairy products. Nicole Tracy Naturopath Melbourne