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It just prevents it, an IUD is a form of Birth Control, not abortion. And the morning after pill or Plan-B must be taken within 72 hours of the unprotected sex or birth control failure to ensure that pregnancy can be prevented.

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Q: Does the IUD prevent pregnancy or just terminate it?
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What can happen if you got pregnant on the IUD but the IUD was in the cervix not the uterus?

If the IUD was in the cervix, it couldn't work properly. If you're pregnant, the IUD must be removed, regardless of whether you want to continue the pregnancy. Then you can choose to continue or terminate the pregnancy. If you choose to terminate, you can have another IUD inserted after the abortion.

Can a IUD is placed in the vagina of a female to prevent pregnancy?

No, an IUD is placed in the uterus, not the vagina. The diaphragm, cervical cap, and vaginal ring are placed in the vagina to prevent pregnancy.

Can you have a miscarriage when a IUD is implanted?

Yes, if you get pregnant on the IUD it needs to be removed, regardless of whether you intend to continue or terminate the pregnancy.

Should you abort my child if you found out that you are pregnant on the IUD?

There is no medical reason to have an abortion if you get pregnant with an IUD in place. The IUD should be removed regardless of your decision. At that point, you can continue or terminate the pregnancy, but there's no need to be concerned about continuing the pregnancy if that's what you want to do.

Will a expired IUD affect the body?

An expired hormonal IUD may not prevent pregnancy effectively. Other than that, an IUD past its life span does not affect the body.

Is cramping a sign of pregnancy on the IUD?

No, a positive pregnancy test is the sign of pregnancy on the IUD.

What is IUD stand for?

Intra-Uterine Device. It is a device implanted in the uterus to prevent pregnancy.

Is it easier to become pregnant once an IUD is removed?

An IUD is meant to prevent pregnancy, so when it's in the uterus, you have a lower risk of pregnancy, and when you remove it, your risk goes back to what it was before.

What can you do if pregnant while on IUD and want to terminate pregnancy?

Whether you decide on a medication or suction abortion, your health care provider will remove the IUD first. After the abortion, you can have another IUD, if you choose. If you decide on an in-clinic abortion, the IUD can be removed immediately prior to the abortion, without an extra visit.

Will a pregnancy terminate if mirena is not removed?

A doctor will remove the Mirena if you are pregnant it could harm the baby. By getting an IUD, you agree to: -have the IUD removed -if the pregnancy is viable, your doctor will discuss your options after removing the IUD.

Should i use a other form of birth control if you have the IUD?

The IUD does not prevent infection. Using a condom can provide additional pregnancy protection as well as protection from STDs.

Romoval of IUD pregnancy calculator?

How do you get your IUD removed