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Yes. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) most parents choose to participate in a blessing ceremony for their newborn babies. The baby blessing is a very simple ceremony which takes place during a regular Sunday worship service. Generally, a baby is blessed by his father or another close relative who has been ordained to the priesthood, although the Bishop may do so if asked. The person performing the blessing will hold the baby at the front of the chapel and other relatives and friends who have also been ordained gather around the baby, forming a circle, and lay their hands under him/her while the blessing is being said.

There is no set prayer for a baby blessing, but there are a few key phrases which the person performing the blessing will say - they will address God, present the child for a name and blessing, state the name they have chosen, and then ask God for various blessings that they desire the child to have throughout it's life. It is customary for parents to invite their friends and family for the service and hold a reception afterward.

'Baby' blessings are also sometimes performed for young children who have been recently adopted if they are under age 8.

Mormons do not believe in baptising infants or young children, so the blessing is a way of celebrating a new baby and welcoming them into the congregation. Most Mormon children are baptized at age 8.

Please see the "Related Links" below for photographs of Mormon baby blessings.

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