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Q: Does the Siamese fighter need a airstone in the tank?
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Can Siamese fish lay eggs in moving tank water?

Not successfully. Moving water will likely knock the eggs out of the nest. The water should be near still with only an airstone present.

What is an airstone?

An airstone is a piece of aquarium furniture whose purpose is to diffuse oxygen gradually into a tank, eliminating the noise of conventional air filtration systems.

Fish fighter lies in the tank with other fish?

Betta splendens (Siamese Fighters) usually find a quiet corner to hang out in. They are not active fish.

Can neon tetras be in the same tank as a Siamese fighter fish?

2 Tetras = 2 gallons, 2 mollys = 6 gallons, 2 guppies = 2 gallons, 1 Betta = 3 gallons. Provided your tank holds a bit more than 15 gallons of water (about 20 gals) and your filter will handle the job, there is no reason I can think of that would stop you putting a Siamese Fighter (Betta splendens) in the tank with the fish species you mention.

What do trout fry need to survive?

Cool water (around 50 - 60 degrees Fahrenheit), food, and darkness & shelter when they are eggs.

What fish do not need a pump for example the betta fish or Siamese fighter What about guppies?

I don't know what beta fish are but I can assure you something. All fishes need a pump for a healthier living. Only one Siamese fighter can be put in a tank. It is better to use a bowl for this. Water should be changed every 2 weeks. If these conditions are satisfied the fish will be fine. I am a successful breeder of guppies. As far as I know It is is advised to have green plants rather than a pump in their tanks.

Do Siamese fighting fish live in fresh or salt water?

They need a 5+ Gallon tank and you can only have one in the same tank.

Is an airstone needed in a freshwater aquarium?

An "airstone" is not neccessary. All species of fish must have their water looked after properly if they are to survive. The basic rules of successfull fishkeeping are. :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank must have a permanently running filter. :- Every tank must have at least 50% of its water replaced every week. An 'airstone' will simply create a current in the tank and a visual effect but it will not improve the water much at all. If the air pump is connected to a biological filter however, then you will have a real benefit from using the air pump.

Does an airstone have to be installed to anything?

An airstone needs to be attached to an airline which is connected to an air pump.In a freshwater aquarium, air wands, stones or discs are important as they add oxygen to the water; this is even more important in a tropical tank as warmer water contains less oxygen.

Can a baby guppy fish stay in tank with its mother?

Not if you want it alive....mother well as all other adult fish that would be in her tank, would eat the young fry. He will need his own seperate tank equipped with a sponge filter, heater, airstone and live plants until he is about 11 weeks old.

Is a fighter fish fight a lot?

If you refer to a Siamese fighting fish (betta), they are territorial toward each other. They will most likely fight each other if there are more than just one in the same tank. It must be avoided.

What kind of water for Siamese fighting fish?

deffo salt watercoz i have a tank full of siamese fighting fish and i keep them in saltwater