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Yes, the practice by the Pentagon for emergency preparedness was called a plan for a zombie apocalypse. It makes sense in that it attempts to cover any emergency that might occur.

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Q: Does the US government actually have a plan for a zombie apocalypse?
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What is the US government contingency plan for Zombie attacks?

Invade, steal zombie oil , exit.

What is a zombie plan?

A zombie plan is a plan people make on what to do in case of a zombie invasion.

Does the military have a zombie defense plan?

No, they have plans for people who rank high in the government though.

Where should you go in a zombie apocalypse?

Malls, schools, islands or the popular north to colder climates answers are all good destinations. The best zombie escape plan should be one that is personalized to you, as it depends on several factors. Where are you when the undead start to roam the streets? Do you have a rendezvous point with a survival party? What is the best location in your area with the smallest possible population and territorial advantages. For more tips on your survival, please visit us at | A Zombie Survival Plan.

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What is in the zombie apocalypse survival guide?

A zombie apocalypse survival guide typically contains information on how to prepare for and survive a zombie outbreak, including tips on securing shelter, finding food and water, creating a survival kit, identifying potential dangers, and strategies for defense and escape. It may also include first aid techniques, communication methods, and guidelines on forming alliances with others.

What did the US government do with Wilson's peace plan?

his peace plan was actually sort of forgotten since the U.S. entered WW 1 soon after Wilson proposed it

How do you compare the fall of Man and four horsemen of the apocalypse?

You can't really compare them, they are a part of the same plan.

What is a government plan of action called?

A plan of action adopted by a government is a policy.

What does written plan of government mean?

A country must have a written plan of government to keep order. People must know the laws and hierarchy of government officials.

Which describes the U.S constitution?

It is a framework. It gives rules which we should follow on making laws and means make them. It does this without actually providing any laws of it's own.

Is constitution a plan of government?

A written plan of government is called a constitution.