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no a meerkat sblack rings are like sun glasses some jow to block sun and there born with it and it stays the same

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Q: Does the black patches around meerkats eyes adapt in the same way as a panda?
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Related questions

What special qualities do meerkats have?

those black patches around there eye let them look right in to the sun like sun glasses(that never come off)

Are pandas black with white patches or white with black patches?

they are white patches with black.

What are some of a meerkat's adaptations?

Meerkats have black patches round their eyes, these act like sunglasses. Their long, curved claws make them excellent diggers which helps them to get at burrowing insects. Other structural adaptations include the colouration of their fur that helps camouflage them from predators. Hope this is helpful.

What is a meerkats eye color?

Most likely black.

How can remove the black patches on the fore head?

did lomela crem can having the property of removing the black patches on the fore head

Can a black bear adapt to living in the desert?

Yes. As a matter of fact, there are black bears that are found in and around deserts in the United States.

What color are Goofy's patches on his arms?

Goofy does not have patches on his arms. His skin is black, and he wears a black vest over an orange shirt.

How can you help the meerkats survive?

They have black round circle around their eyes to stop the sun shining onto their eyes.

Do newer copies of black ops have patches preinstalled?

No, the patches aren't incorporated onto the discs

What is something black that starts with E?

Eye patches are black. There also are black earrings.

What color does the killer whale see?

Killer Whales are mostly Black. They do have distinctive what patches such as around the eye area and underneath the mouth and else where. These patches vary in number and size depending on actual size of the orca.

What is the appearances of a killer whale?

Killer Whales have black skin with white patches around the body. Their height is around the same as a child but its length is 30 times as long.