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Q: Does the body naturally produce dopamine?
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What are dopamine receptor agonists?

Dopamine receptor agonists are a class of drugs with similar actions to dopamine, a neurotransmitter that occurs naturally in the brain.

What chemical helps the body cope with stressful situations?

The body does produce a chemical called dopamine that helps stress but many times the one that causes the opposite is produced in greater amounts. Besides dopamine, Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) has the opposite effect.

After extra dopamine from a drug such as weed is gone does the body correct itself and produce the correct amount of dopamine again?

No, that's the whole point of addiction. But first of all, only recently has marijuana been shown to increase levels of dopamine, but only if taken in high enough doses. But if you assume marijuana is not addictive, then it shouldn't be affecting dopamine levels to begin with. Constant use of addictive drugs, however, can cause the brain to lose its ability to produce high levels of dopamine. When this happens, a drug user feels a greater need for the drug, or for even stronger drugs.

Can ephedra increase dopamine?

umm wouldn't it decrease sine ephedra is simliar to norephedrine and epinephrine, thus supressing them naturally and dopamine is precurser to those two hormones so if ephedra supresses those two it should supress dopamine too

When dopamine levels are elevated this reward pathway reinforces the use of the drug?

Dopamine is neurotransmitter produced naturally by the brain's pleasure and reward center (limbic system). Dopamine is produced natural when u are eating ice cream, exercising or watching your favorite movie. What illegal drugs or antidepressants do is that they cause an abnormal production of dopamine in the brain which causes the natural dopamine producing site to eventually stop dopamine production. The drug user will now be subservient on the drug to him or her happy(addiction).

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What are dopamine receptor agonists?

Dopamine receptor agonists are a class of drugs with similar actions to dopamine, a neurotransmitter that occurs naturally in the brain.

Why is it so hard to quit smokin weed?

Marijuana stimulates the reward system in your brain, which releases the "feel good" chemical, dopamine. Having been rewarded repeated by the marijuana your body comes to expect it, making it depressing not to have dopamine in your system regularly. Exercise is a good way to get dopamine naturally.

How much Prednisone does the body naturally produce?

Cortisol is the same thing that your adrenal glands produce naturally in the amount of 7-10mg daily.

How is motivation affected by drug abuse?

It is not a completely simple answer. Drug abuse effects the chemical balances in the body. When we do drugs, the drug takes the place of a signal naturally created by the body. Our bodies produce the chemical dopamine naturally at a pretty small level. When we us drugs, the DRUG tells the body to pump up dopamine production. This is the "feel good" or "reward" chemical in the brain. So when "use" turns into "abuse" the body completely IGNORES the natural signals for production of dopamine and many other chemicals. Motivation is connected to dopamine, as the body rewards you getting off you butt and doing something with pride in a job well done. That "job well done" chemical reward is not being produced without drugs. AND the amount of the reward naturally is much SMALLER than the drug induced reward. Therefore your body CAN NOT "reward" motivation. Withdraw from drugs is the period while your body "RESETS" it's systems to start making the chemicals according to it's own signals. As mentioned, many more chemicals than dopamine are taken over by different drugs. Opiates retards the bodys ability to produce melatonin and induce sleep. This is why when there is no opiates, you cant sleep. You have to wait until the body starts making the proper levels of melatonin and serotonin on its own. This withdraw period is the body and brain producing the wrong levels, if any at all, of the chemicals that keep us human.

What chemical helps the body cope with stressful situations?

The body does produce a chemical called dopamine that helps stress but many times the one that causes the opposite is produced in greater amounts. Besides dopamine, Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) has the opposite effect.

What feeling does dopamine create?

Dopamine gives your body a feeling of happiness and peace. It's said that before you die, your body releases dopamine to "dope" you up.

Which calorie does the body produce naturally?

none. However, the body does convert all fats, protiens, and carbs to sucrose.

What prescription medications have dopamine in them?

Dopamine hydrochloride (the drug) is a vasopressor. That is, it causes the blood vessels to constrict and thereby raises blood pressure. It can also increase heart rate. Dopamine itself is a naturally occurring neurohormone that acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain.

Why drusare dangerous?

Drugs can definitely be incredibly dangerous. These drugs are body altering substances that the body does not typically naturally produce.

After extra dopamine from a drug such as weed is gone does the body correct itself and produce the correct amount of dopamine again?

No, that's the whole point of addiction. But first of all, only recently has marijuana been shown to increase levels of dopamine, but only if taken in high enough doses. But if you assume marijuana is not addictive, then it shouldn't be affecting dopamine levels to begin with. Constant use of addictive drugs, however, can cause the brain to lose its ability to produce high levels of dopamine. When this happens, a drug user feels a greater need for the drug, or for even stronger drugs.