

Does the cat take care of the kitten?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Yes, A mama cat takes care of a kitten for weeks and then the kitten becomes old enough to go out on it's own.

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Q: Does the cat take care of the kitten?
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What to do if the mommy cat leaves the kitten?

Take care of it.

Where can you take a cat and her kitten you cant care for?

Maybe the vet's office, or you could always go into the vet's office, and ask someone there where you could bring the cat and her kitten.

How do you take care of your baby cat?

It's easy to take care of a baby cat. All you need is litter, litter box, cat food dishes, cat food, water, a place to sleep, toys, and lots of love. It's best to have one little room for your kitten to stay in for about a week so it gets used to your house. You need to play with your kitten a lot during its kitten years, and love it to the fullest. =)

What are cats like when they are babies?

When a cat is a kitten, it will want to sleep a lot so they aren't really playful but as they get older, they will become more playful and a lot more loving if you take care of it when it's a kitten and a cat.

What do you do if your cat has a kitten too early?

Take your cat and kittens to the Vet.

How does the mom cat take care of its kitten?

Scientists believe cats lick their humans to show affection as we show them through petting. But that's about it....................

Why does your cat licks your kitten and grabs him by the neck?

because the baby cat doesn't no how to wash its self , and doesn't no what to do and they care

What do you do if a cat wont take care of a just born dying kitten?

The mother cat has identified a health problem with this ill kitten and has decided to devote her energies to those kittens that have a better chance of survival . You can try to keep the ill kitten warm and feed the kitten with milk designed for kittens . Your veterinarian will have much better advice to give - call your vet . =^,,^=

What do you do when the mommy cat has ran away from her kittens?

You have to take over, feeding them and providing a home if they are homeless. The pleasure you and your family will get from watching them play together will be more than adequate payment for your care and concern.

Are there any cool kitten games were you can adopt a kitten then take care of it?

i personally have an love discovery kids kitten corner

What is a kitten?

A kitten is a small mammal that is the offspring of an adult cat.

Kitten or cub what is a baby cat?
