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Parallel universes is not something confirmed in science, or even generally accepted. As to the Christian religion, I would say that (1) each Christian church has its own opinions about different scientific topics, and (2) parallel universes is not such a "hot topic" that would have made Christian thinkers worry about whether it is theologically acceptable, etc.

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Q: Does the christian religion acccept the theory of parallel universes and has it been proven fact?
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A percentage of the miztvot (guidelines) specified in the Torah are based on the existence of the Temple (daily life of the priests, sacrifice, etc). Without the Temple as the centre of Jewish life, synagogues took over and prayer replaced sacrifice.

Was george Boleyn gay?

The theory of George Boleyn's sexuality stems from a biography of Anne Boleyn by Retha Warnicke in 1989, which was also picked up by Alison Weir in another Boleyn biography. Most historians feel this interpretation of George Boleyn's sexuality is unsubstantiated.Warnicke's theory has been used in various works of fiction, including The Other Boleyn Girl, by Philippa Gregory and the television series The Tudors. Because of these fictional portrayals, many assume this characterization is accepted by historians.However, extant contemporary texts show a different picture. There were no rumours relating to homosexuality or bisexuality during George's life or at the time of his death. That particular theory has only come about in the last twenty years due to Warnicke's writings and the subsequent portrayals in fiction.Warnicke's theory is based on three pieces of evidence. Firstly, she suggests that a poem relating to George by George Cavendish covertly implies that George was a homosexual. However, most historians feel that Cavendish was actually criticising George Boleyn for being a womaniser, and he makes no mention, covertly or otherwise, of homosexuality. Secondly, Warnicke suggests that on the scaffold George covertly admitted to homosexual activity. Again, this is not substantiated by other historians, and seems a stretch as far as interpreting Boleyn's exact words. George simply said on the scaffold that he was a sinner deserving of death, thereby following the convenctions of the day. Thirdly, Warnicke suggests that George may have been the lover of Mark Smeaton, using as the sole piece of evidence the fact that at some stage they both had accesss to the same book. Again this seems a stretch of interpretation of extant evidence.If George Boleyn had been a homosexual it would have been difficult for such a high profile person to have kept it secret. For us to acccept the theory we most also accept that Cavendish knew about it, and if Cavendish had have known about it then so would everybody else. Yet in the case of George Boleyn, no one ever raised the allegation, not even Boleyn enemies, of which there were many. It would certainly have been used at his trial as proof of his perverse nature, yet again, it was never mentioned.There is no extant evidence to suggest that George Boleyn was anything other than heterosexual. This is merely a theory with no realistic evidence to support it. In the sixteenth century homosexuality was considered a capital crime and an offence against God, so if Boleyn had, indeed, been homosexual, this charge would undoubtedly have been used against him in the trial that led to his execution.

Do Jehovah's Witnesses hate gay people?

Well the bible says that we should love one another and so we don't hate the actual people but we just don't acccept what you are doing.FURTHERHere is what the Bible says about how God feels about homosexuality and lesbianism: "Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, that their bodies might be dishonored among them, even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created, who is blessed forever. Amen. That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error." (Romans 1:24-27)Jehovah's Witnesses accept what the Bible says, regardless of what the popular opinion of the world is.We do not hate the person who does not obey God's requirements. In fact, we love our neighbors. That is why we study the Bible with them to help them to gain a knowledge of what God requires so that they can make the necessary changes and gain His appproval. However, the Bible says that we must "hate what is bad."(Psalms 97:10)So, we do not hate anybody, but we do hate the bad acts of those who disobey the commands that are clearly laid out in the Bible.