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Well The Bible says that we should love one another and so we don't hate the actual people but we just don't acccept what you are doing.

FURTHERHere is what the Bible says about how God feels about homosexuality and lesbianism:

"Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, that their bodies might be dishonored among them, even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created, who is blessed forever. Amen. That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error." (Romans 1:24-27)

Jehovah's Witnesses accept what the Bible says, regardless of what the popular opinion of the world is.

We do not hate the person who does not obey God's requirements. In fact, we love our neighbors. That is why we study the Bible with them to help them to gain a knowledge of what God requires so that they can make the necessary changes and gain His appproval. However, the Bible says that we must "hate what is bad."(Psalms 97:10)

So, we do not hate anybody, but we do hate the bad acts of those who disobey the commands that are clearly laid out in the Bible.

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11y ago

Jehovah's Witnesses come from all walks of life. Many at one time were Catholics, Mormon, Penticostal, etc; Others were smokers, druggers, thieves, liars, prostitutes, adulterers; and yes even homosexuals.

--but-- after an extensive & intensive free Bible study course; they realize there will be some changes needed. Changes in their beliefs; and changes in their lifestyle.

Those who wish to become Witnesses of Jehovah God will be moved to accept help in making those changes. Some will take longer than others.

But Jehovah's Witnesses will not baptize anyone who retains Catholic or other Protestant ideas; neither will we baptize anyone who engages in a lifestyle condemned by Jehovah God.

This does not mean that a persons 'leaning' towards a certain wrongdoing will be completely eradicated. But 'acting' on wrong leanings must be a thing of the past. (I personally know some who used to engage in homosexual activities in the past; but have not acted on such wrongdoing for 20 / 30 years. Just as I know others who used to be promiscuous in their younger years before becoming a Witness; but who do not engage in such a lifestyle anymore. Might they occasionally struggle with wrong desires? Yes. But they do not 'act' on them; and have had success avoiding such things for 20 / 30 or more years.)

We recognize that it will take much time to develop 'self-control' regarding any wrong sexual inclination, including even simply viewing pornography. It takes time to learn to really 'hate' the things that Jehovah hates. But each year, or each 5 year segment of their lives; or each 10 year segment of life; they will develop the complete 'fruitage of the holy spirit'. They will learn to take better and quicker control of where their thoughts used to gravitate towards.

This is not just 'theory' - - these are the successes we actually are able to attain-to among our members. We have the tools that help people.

But --NO-- Jehovah's Witnesses must never ACT on any gay inclinations; any more than 'acting' upon other wrong sexual inclinations.

Should someone fail -- we have a judicial system within our congregations, that now really kicks into gear to help someone. We are serious about helping them. But if for some reason they insist on the 'right to engage in a gay lifestyle', or any other lifestyle condemned by Jehovah God, - - they will be removed from our fellowship. They are free to go to another religion where this is permitted.

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11y ago

Do they believe in homosexuality? Sure. Do they think it's right? No.

Homosexuality is a sin directly against God, undermining his creative decree. Jehovah's Witnesses recognize this.

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9y ago

Jehovah's Witnesses believe, despite gender and sexual orientation, that all humans have equal rights.

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6y ago

They don't hate gay people. They believe a gay person's pursuit of romantic love, marriage, and family is sin.

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10y ago

That it is detestable to God

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