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Yes! It has Two one for the members of the military and for the students. In Spanish is:


1.-Del Soldado:

- Soldados: Juráis a Dios y prometéis a la Patria defender esta bandera hasta perder por ella vuestras vidas, y no abandonar a vuestros jefes, compañeros y subalternos en acción de guerra y en cualquier otra ocasión ?

- Sí, juramos!

- Sí, así lo hiciereis, que Dios y la Patria os lo premien. Y si no, El y ella os lo demanden.

2.-Del Estudiante:

- Juro por Dios fidelidad a mi bandera y a mi patria, Colombia, de la cual es símbolo, una Nación soberana e indivisible, regida por principios de libertad, orden y justicia para todos (Decreto 2388 de 1948)."

In English as follows PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE


- Soldiers, swear before God and promise to this Country to defend this Flag and even loose your life in the cause, not leaving behind your commanders, peers and subordinates in battle or any other event?

- Yes, we swear!

- In this case, God and the nation shall reward you. Otherwise, they both shall demand it from you.


- I swear by God, loyalty to my flag and my country, Colombia, which is a symbol of an indivisible and sovereign nation, governed by principles of freedom, order and justice for all (Decree 2388 of 1948)."

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Q: Does the colombian flag have a pledge?
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What is the Texas state pledge?

The Texas Pledge:"Honor the Texas Flag of 1836; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one and indivisible."According to The Handbook of Texas Online, "In 1933 the legislature passed a law establishing rules for the proper display of the flag and providing for a pledge to the flag: "Honor the Texas Flag of 1836; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one and indivisible." The pledge erroneously referred to the 1836 national flag, known as David G. Burnet's flag, instead of the Lone Star Flag. Senator Searcy Bracewell introduced a bill to correct this error in 1951, but the legislature did not delete the words "of 1836" until 1965."The pledge from 1965 till Jun 15, 2007 was:"Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one and indivisible."House Bill 1034 amended the pledge again with House Bill 1034, which went into effect on Jun 15, 2007 to read:"Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible."

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The pledge is:I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas one state under God, one and indivisible.