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No, the texture and material would only not the color. the gas inside may too, if its too much or too little, but you might already know that :)

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Q: Does the color of the balloon affect the energy of the balloon?
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Does gravity not affect on nitrogen balloon?

It does affect a nitrogen balloon.

How sunlight effect color?

the color of a balloon is a dark color. but when you put it in the heat, the air in the balloon expands and the color of the balloon gets lighter and pops.

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How does changing the temperature of the gas inside a balloon affect the pressure inside the balloon?

The higher the temperature, the higher the pressure and vice versa. When the temperature rises the gas molecules move faster and hit the balloon more often and with more energy.

How does light color affect the amount of energy it gives off?

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How does the color of something affect radiant energy?

The color will determine if it can reflect light energy being a perfect black body that does not reflect and a perfect white body

What is the hypothesis for a rocket balloon?

The hypothesis for a balloon rocket is whether the shape of the balloon will affect the distance that it will travel.

What happen to a balloon on a hot day?

The heat gives the balloon more energy and the balloon explodes

What kind of energy does a hot air balloon have?

The hot air has thermal energy, and when the balloon is up in the air, it also has gravitational potential energy.

How does the kinetic energy of air inside a balloon to outside air?

the air inside the balloon has more kinetic energy

How is science related to energy?

Science is related to energy because you can have a balloon and make energy with it,You can do that by rubbing the balloon on the hair and then move the balloon up and the hair will stick up if yo uhave done it correctly.

What was the first balloon's color?
