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Usually it's the evaporator (in dash) that can get plugged from not changing you cabin air filter if so equipped or by other crud floating around in the vent system. Might alos be the blend door or blower motor ploblem. I've even found mouse nests in ducting that's plugged the system.

First of all, the component you mean is called the evaporator, the a.c's equivalent to the heat's heater core . Very unlikely it would or could become that clogged , mouse nest maybe, but even then your blower motor would still push a flow of air., though reduced. what is your vehicle's problem? If you can hear your blower motor running at selected speeds and nothing comes out,the fan or"squirrel cage" may have come off (rare) or the duct work is not operating correctly (kinda rare).

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Q: Does the condenser get clogged with dirt or debris that it causes the air not to come out the vents?
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i had the same problem the fix was a squirels nest was built in it and it clogged it up.

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Check the cabin filter if applicable.

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The heater may not be on - but the fan still blows air through the vents when they're open !

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