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Not exactly. Five of the nine justices are typically considered conservative (Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Kennedy), while four are considered reliably liberal (Justices Stevens, Ginsburg, Breyer and Sotomayor).

Justice Kennedy, although classified as a conservative, has voted with the liberal faction on some cases, making him the unpredictable swing vote that helps balance the Court.

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14y ago
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9y ago

It's hard to say but if you had to write an answer on your homework, I would put Conservative. 5 out of the 9 are Conservative. It's about even. Look up any law websites for the Supreme Court Justices. But ill be nice and give you them plus the president who appointed them.

Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)

- Sandra Day O'Connor (1981)

- Antonin Scalia (1986),

- Anthony M. Kennedy (1987)

George H.W. Bush (1989-1993)

- David Souter (1990)

- Clarence Thomas (1991)

Bill Clinton (1993-2001)

- Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1993)

- Stephen G. Breyer (1994)

-John G. Roberts(2005)

George W. Bush (2001-2009)

- John Roberts (2005)

- Samuel Alito (2005)

Barack Obama (2009-present)

- Sonia Sotomayor (2009)

-Elena Kagan(2010)

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13y ago

Justices Thomas, Scalia, Alito and Chief Justice Brown tend to be conservative.

Justice Ginsburg, Kagan, Sotomayor and Breyer tend to be liberal.

Justice Kennedy leans to the conservative, but is considered moderate and will vote either way.

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13y ago

Virginia's Supreme Court is very conservative.

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7y ago

Some court decisions are liberal ! Some court decisions are conservative ! Some judges are liberal whilst others are conservative !

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Q: Are court decisions liberal or conservative?
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What was a result of President Eisenhower's appointment of Earl Warren as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?

Warren led the Court to many decisions that supported liberal principles.

Is Stephen breyer a liberal or conservative?

yes he is liberal not conservative

Were the federalists conservative or liberal?

they were both liberal and conservative. In their strong or weak government policy, they were liberal. But they were conservative in that they believed in industry, big business, and rich controlling the government.

How did the Supreme Court begin to change to a more conservative posture?

The Supreme Court became more conservative because many vacancies occurred during Republican administrations, giving conservative Presidents an opportunity to replace liberal justices with more conservative justices. The Court seems to swing from one poll to the other over the course of time. Both the Roberts Court and the Rehnquist Court have been conservative; prior to that, the Burger Court was moderate and Warren Court was progressive. The ideology of the US Supreme Court is unlikely to change during President Obama's tenure in office because the two most likely justices to retire (Stevens and Ginsburg) are liberal.

How does a President's appointment of a justice to the US Supreme Court affect the Court's decisions?

No one is able to be entirely impartial in their opinions, and Supreme Court Justices are no exception. Presidents usually nominate candidates who exhibit the same biases as the President, and Congress usually confirms them based on the congressional makeup at the time.In the case of President Bush, he nominated conservative candidates, who were confirmed by a conservative Congress. It is reasonable to assume that President Obama will be more liberal in his choices, which will likely be confirmed by the present generally-liberal Congress.We may expect that Bush's nominees will continue to apply their conservative philosophies to their decisions, and that they will be in some respects opposed by any future appointees from President Obama, and vice versa. In any case, the court and their decisions tend to even out over time.