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Q: Does the direction of the electromagnetic wave propagation same as the direction of vibration of electromagnetic waves?
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Is polarization possible for longitudinal waves?

polarization is not possible for longitudinal waves in electromagnetic waves electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other and these two are perpendicular to direction of propagation so by using vertical or horizantal slits it is possible to polarize the electromagnetic waves where as in longitudinal waves the particles vibration is parllel to the direction of propagation so it is not possible to polarize the longitudinal waves

Are electromagnetic waves classified as longitudinal waves?

No. Electromagnetic waves are classified as transverse waves because the electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to the direction of propagation.

What is the type of waves of the propagation of sound in air- Longtudinal or Transversal?

The type of waves for the propagation of sound in air is longitudinal. Longitudinal waves are characterized by the vibration of particles in the same direction as the wave's propagation. In the case of sound waves, air molecules move back and forth in the direction of the sound wave as it travels through the air.

What is transversal waves?

Wave is a propagation of oscillations of some physical parameter (perturbation of pressure, mass density, electrical or magnetic fields...). If oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of propagation - the wave is transverse (for example - electromagnetic wave). If physical parameter oscillates along the propagation direction - the wave is longitudinal(Sound).

What is the different between transverse wave and longitudinal wave?

The vibration of the Longitudinal wave is parallel to the wave direction and the vibration is perpendicular to the direction in the transverse wave.

What distinguishes waves from mechanical waves?

Mechanical waves require a medium for their propagation whereas electromagnetic waves require a medium for their propagation.

What types of waves do not require any material medium for their propagation?

electromagnetic waves do not require medium for their propagation. such as radio waves.

Waves that do not require a medium are?

Electromagnetic waves do not require medium for propagation.

How are electromagnetic waves generated and propagated?

Electromagnetic waves (those that can transmit their energy through a vacuum) have both an electric and a magnetic component. They are created by a vibration of charged particles. When passing through a medium, they are propagated by absorption and reemission of the wave energy by the atoms in the material.

What are 2 types of mechanical waves and how are they classified?

Mechanical waves are those which requires a material medium to traverse through. Where as electromagnetic waves can pass through both material as well as vacuum. Mechanical waves are of two category. One is longitudinal. Best example is Sound Waves. The particles of the medium through which sound traverses would vibrate parallel to the direction of propagation. The other one is transverse. In this the vibrations of the particle would be perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Example waves on the surface of water. Electromagnetic waves are always transverse in nature as electrical and magnetic vectors would be perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Bets example is visible light.

What describes an electromagnetic?

An electromagnetic wave is a stream of photons which behaves both like waves and particles. They move perpendicular to the direction of propagation. They have 2 mutually perpendicular components of electric and magnetic fields.

What are waves in physics?

Waves are vibrations that pass through a substance. The vibrations make the particles in the substance vibrate, which, in turn, make surrounding particles vibrate. There are different kinds of waves in physics. Mechanical Waves, Electromagnetic Waves. Mechanical waves being those on strings, for example. Electromagnetic waves being those in electric/magnetic fields, for example. (radio waves, light, ultraviolet radiation) Transverse waves - those waves that are perpendicular to the direction of vibration of the particles. Longitudinal waves - those waves that are parallel to the direction of vibration of the particles.