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It doesn't, really. But, tilted relative to what? In space, there is no "up" or "down", so in order to measure the tilt of something, you have to provide a plane of reference.

Fortunately, there is a handy and convenient plane of reference to use, which is the ecliptic. "Ecliptic" is the special name that we use to mean "the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun". As compared to the ecliptic, the imaginary axis of the Earth's rotation is about 23 2/3 degrees. Since the Earth is spinning, it acts like an enormous gyroscope, which maintains its orientation in space, so it keeps this "tilt" constant as the Earth orbits the Sun, or in other words, "as the years go by".

So the Earth's tilt doesn't change; it doesn't tilt toward the Sun, or away from it. It stays pretty much fixed in its 23.7 degree angle. But because the Earth is also moving AROUND the Sun, it APPEARS to change as the Earth follows its elliptical path around the Sun.

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Yes. Nearly every point on the earth does that once a day.

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