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This question doesn't really make a whole lot of sense...

but in my lifetime in the Church, I've never heard the whole Priesthood referred to as the Army of God. I have heard of missionaries being called 'God's Army'. Either way, this is not ridiculous or delusional and is a common theme in many other religions, both Christian and non-Christian.

We understand and believe that God is all-powerful and that He doesn't need an army, but God calls those who follow Him to do His will. Becoming a true Christian means that you have turned your will over to God and that you are willing to do all that He asks of you. In this way, those who serve God (Christians) are sometimes compared to an army, fighting the powers of darkness and the enemies of God by doing the will of God on the earth.

The Bible even uses the same metaphorical language, for example, 2 Timothy 2:3-4 speaks of being a "soldier for Jesus Christ" and the Old Testament speaks of the "Armies of the Living God." Popular Christian hymns, such as 'Onward, Christian Soldiers' and 'Soldiers of Christ, Arise' also reflect this imagery.

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Q: Does the fact that Mormons believe that their male members holding the priesthood is the Army of God which is rediculous and delusional as God does not need an army since God is all powerful?
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Mormons believe in the priesthood, which is authority given from Jesus Christ, and they believe in the Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ.Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ on Peter. Jesus send the Holy Spirit to guide It and remain with It until the end of the world. The Orthodox split off from the Church, over many years, from about the 11th century. The Mormons are a cult which believe in another revelation aside from that which God gave in the Bible and His Son.

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Perhaps it would be dandy, if it were true. However, it is actually the complete opposite. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) do not forget that most people lived before the church was founded and most of those living today do not accept it. This is a huge central feature of the Church. This is why Mormons are so interested in genealogy and family history. This is why Mormons build temples. The whole purpose of Mormon temples is to perform baptisms, priesthood ordinations, sealings, and other ordinances for the dead. Mormons believe that the whole purpose of life is to serve God and become more like Him by bringing to pass His purpose (the immortality and eternal life of man - Moses 1:39) by performing these ordinances in the Temple. Essentially, Mormons believe that their whole purpose is to remember those people who were not baptized or sealed or ordained to the priesthood and do all in their power to ensure that these ordinances are performed in their behalf. The entire mission of Mormonism is to provide the opportunity of salvation through Jesus Christ to all people, living and dead.

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"Mormons", members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, believe that Jesus Christ founded their church by revealing His truth and restoring priesthood authority to Joseph Smith, Jr. They consider Joseph Smith a Prophet, and Jesus Christ the founder of the Church. You can learn more about what Mormons believe regarding Jesus Christ and Joseph Smith at the "Related Links" below.

Why are Mormons taught in priesthood meetings to yell and beat their children and only show acceptance when they go to church?

They aren't. Check out the Priesthood lesson manuals or the archives from the twice annual worldwide priesthood meetings. Nothing has ever been said that comes remotely close to this. The Church takes abuse very seriously, including verbal and physical abuse. If a wife or child went to their Bishop claiming that their husband had verbally, physically, or sexually abused them, the husband/father would most likely be excommunicated from the Church very quickly, and the Church would grant the woman a divorce with no question. As a Mormon, I have seen this happen in my own congregation. If you'd like to see the priesthood lesson manuals or see the archives from worldwide priesthood meetings, check out the "Related Links" below. Or, if you'd like to attend one of the priesthood meetings held locally, speak with a member of a local Mormon congregation, they'd be happy to direct you there.

Who are right Mormons or Christians?

Mormons are christians!!!!!