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Q: Does the length of a nephron matter?
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What is the length of a single human nephron?

The average length of a single human nephron is approximately 30-35 mm.

Length of single nephron?

60 kilo metres

Chain length why does it matter?

Chain length is important in a bicycle because it affects the overall gear ratio and the efficiency of power transfer from the pedals to the wheels. A proper chain length ensures smooth shifting and pedaling, while incorrect chain length can lead to decreased performance, excessive wear on the drivetrain, and potential chain drop issues.

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What is the meaning of nephron?

the meaning of nephron

How do you write a sentence with the word nephron?

He was admitted to the hospital because of problem in nephron. It is an example sentence using the word nephron.

The U-shaped segment of the nephron is the?

The most distal portion of the nephron is the

What is the functional portion or parenchyma of the kidney?

That would be the nephron.

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What is the portion of the nephron that empties into the collecting duct?

The distal convoluted tubule is the portion of the nephron that empties into the collecting ducts. It is the last segment of the nephron.

What is the structural unit of the kidney?

Nephron is the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney. It is composed of a renal corpuscle and a renal tubule. The renal corpuscle consists of a glomerulus and the Bowman's capsule. It is the nephron's initial filtering component. The components of the renal tubule are the proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle and the distal convoluted tubule.

What are the parts of a nephron and their function?

list the parts of the nephron and describe the function of each part