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no unless the animal has a health disability

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Q: Does the life span of an animal have anything to do with how long it takes to grow up?
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Why is there no life on Jupiter?

because Jupiter has not got water or anything that gasn grow into something that's why Jupiter has no life .

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There is no liquid water on the surface of the moon, which is critical for life.

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The animal inside them. As the animal grows the shell must be grown to protect it.

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Meiosis takes place in an animal with a diplontic life cycle at the point when gametes are being produced. This is also the point in which the eggs and sperm are being created.

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The cells make them from materials the animal takes in from the environment.

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No trees grow on the Antarctic continent: it's too cold to support plant -- or animal -- life.

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what does that have to do with animal life and first of all if you want to now anything about the twilight series read them

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