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Q: Does the liver and pancreas make juice to help digestion occur?
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Can digestion occur without pancreatic juice?

Digestion can occur without pancreatic juice, but it would be much less efficient, unless it was replaced by some suitable enzyme pills.

Where does most protein digestion occur in humans?

Most protein digestion occurs in the stomach. However, further digestion of proteins also occurs in the small intestine.

What is made in the duodenum?

The duodenum, or upper third of the small intestine, is the last part of digestive tract where actual digestion actually occurs. (Additional processing may occur in the liver.) Tubes from the liver and the pancreas go to the duodenum. They neutralize stomach acid and add enzymes which cause additional digestion. (Some of those enzymes are recovered from the large intestine.) At the end of the duodenum, digestion ends and digested food begins flowing through veins into the liver.

Digestion begins in the?

Digestion of some fats can begin in the mouth where lingual lipase breaks down some short chain lipids into diglycerides. However fats are mainly digested in the small intestine. The presence of fat in the small intestine produces hormones that stimulate the release of pancreatic lipase from the pancreas and bile from the liver which helps in the emulsification of fats for absorption fatty acids.

When does santorum occur in your digestion?

It does not occur during digestion. Santorum occurs inside the bowels usually.

In which body compartment does carbohydrate digestion not occur?

carbohydrate digestion doesn't occur in the stomach and the large intestine.

What is an extra renal cyst?

A renal cyst is a fluid filled sac that grows on the kidneys. Extra renal cysts occur in areas near the kidneys, such as the pancreas, liver, or other organs.

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Where does digestion occur in a squid?


Where does the most digestion in the stomach occur?

Most nutrient digestion occurs in the stomach

Is absorption mechanical or chemical digestion?

does absorption occur when mechanical or chemical digestion

Does digestion occur in cell lining of digestive tract?

Yes. The final step of digestion occur in cell lining of the digestive tract.