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media relies on its customers, they have to give them what they want or they simply wont buy their product or service. Marxists have a very different outlook on the media to Pluralists. They believe that the media is used as a method of ideological control and that it is used to transmit capitalist ideas to us. It has come to the point where we ourselves do not know any different, brainwashing by the media has led to us to not know any different. They also see the media as a creator of false class consciousness, distracting us form important issues in life so that we don't realise our exploitation at the hands of capitalism. In Marx's Dominant Ideology Thesis he writes that the dominant class use the media to convey there ideas and uphold their position in society, media output reflects capitalist interests. The media tries minipulate people into buy there useless products. They try and say that Marc nazaire and willie marius arnt awsome but the are.

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Q: Does the media reflect society or does society reflect the media?
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How media doesn't reflect on society?

Actually i think society reflect on media because what's going on in your society these days media suddenly catched and made a different kind of stories.

How does the media does not reflect the society you live in and how this can be rectified?

The media does not reflect all of society in which we live. The media focuses more attention on the bad aspects of society. To rectify this situation, the media can show the good aspects as well as the everyday aspects in which we live.

What three way that the media does not reflect the society you live in?

Three ways the media do not reflect the society lived in are style of advertising, reporting of lifestyles, and inaccurate portrayals.

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One way the media may not reflect society is by portraying unrealistic beauty standards that are not representative of the diversity in real life. Another way is by emphasizing sensational or extreme stories that do not accurately capture the everyday experiences of people in society.

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Media does not reflect the society we live in how can this be rectified?

the media must not only deal with negative things and rush to those that bring money but it must also support the weak and build them up not destroy them.

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The media present one interpretation of reality.

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yes theatre and films merely reflect changes in society

What is Media reflect?

one person's interpretation of reality.

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American Society of Media Photographers was created in 1944.