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no, unlike hamsters guinea pigs will happily let you touch or handle her babies, if the babies do not get distressed and you are very quiet you can hold them. you can even put another older female in with the mother and the female will help out and the mother can rest. if you give them some soft vegetables or bread and milk the babies will even take a nibble sometimes, they are very well developed. i know i used to breed guinea pigs

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You can handle the babies when they are a month old but before that the mother will get upset and possibly eat the baby or leave it to die of starvation.

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Q: Your guinea pig just had babies and you touched them will she abandon them?
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Your guinea pig just had her pups and you touched them will she abandon them now?

No, she won't. Unlike some other animals guinea pigs are quite happy to let you touch & play with the babies after she has cleaned them up after birth. It's actually a good idea to do this & handle them every day to get them used to people.

Can a guinea pig just have 2 babies?

yes a guinea pig can have two babies if the conditions are correct and the fertilization is proper

Can you hold your guinea pig if it just had a baby?

when my guinea pig had babies i held her and she was fine

Are other female guinea pigs ok in the cage with guinea pig babies and the mother?

I would not recommend it. Just have the Mother Guinea Pig in with her babies separately. Sometimes the other guinea pigs can get excited and accidentally stomp the babies to death so best to keep Mom & babies separate.

Will a mother mouse disown its baby if a human touches it?

I have heard that if the babies get the smell of human on them then the mother won't touch it. ANSWER i touched my babies when they were about a day old which i shouldn't have and she didnt reject them but just don't take them away from the mother or pick them up try avoid to touch them because i do think the mother does abandon her babies in some cases of this happening

Can a guinea pig feed all of her babies on just two teats?

yes and no, a guinea pig can not feed it's babies with two teats, but only if it has more than two babies.

How do you tell if a female Guinea pig is ready for babies?

when they get fat u feal babies in it and they just lie there

Where does a guinea pig supposed to give birth?

Guinea Pigs don't make nest and their babies are fully developed.They usually give birth in their cages and the babies stands in his own feet just after a minute.

You accidentally touched a nest of baby house mice their not tame should you be worried the mother will kill them?

No, you do not need to be worried about the mother killing the babies. A mother might kill her babies if she had just recently had them, but three days or so after she gave birth, there is no need to worry. At that time, you can now hold them.

Why is your guinea pig hair gone from around its bum it just had babies it is really red?

it just pushed a bunch of babies out an 8th of its size.give it a couple days and it will be fine

What is the maximum amount of babies for a guinea pig which has just given birth?

The maximum is 8 and below.

What if your guinea pig had 7 babies is that normal?

its fine if ur guinea pig has 6 guinea pig had 2 babies but if u have 6 its more cage cleaning and make sure u separate them. plz don't send them to a shelter. they could kill the guinea pigs.plz don't.