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Q: Does the mother tiger teach her cubs anything?
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Does the mother teach the baby how to hunt for food?

Whales are taught to hunt like lions teach their cubs: they do it and the cubs copy.

What does a mother leopard teach its cubs?

a mother leopard teaches its cubs to cross the road so they won't get ran over

Do Siberian tiger cubs suckle from their mother?

Yes. All baby mammals suckle. Because tigers are mammals, tiger cubs do suckle.

What is a tiger cubs job?

Tiger cubs do not have to fulfill any tasks. You could say that they are no help to their mother. If you are referring to a niche, tiger cubs don't have any niche. When they grow up, they fulfill the niche of apex predator.

How are tiger cubs protected after they are born?

The mother tiger stays with her cubs and hunts and brings them food, while still protecting them from predators by guarding them day and night.

Why do the mother tigers keep her cubs away from their father?

Usually male tigers never see their cubs, they will mate with the female then move on. But if a mother tiger encounters another tiger (it could be male OR female), she will protect her cubs in fear of them being killed or eaten.

What does a polar bear mother teach her cubs?

It is the mother polar bear that teaches her cubs (usually two cubs) by example. Cubs often hamper their mother's hunting, but eventually the cubs become able to exist on their own. A mother polar bear will try to avoid meeting an adult male polar bear, as there is a danger the male may kill and eat her cubs.

Are tiger cubs born alive?

Yes. Unless they are a stillbirth and died inside the mother...

How long does the white tiger cub need to stay with the adult?

Bengal tiger cubs stay with the mother for up to two years.

Does tiger belong in a herd?

No, tigers are solitary hunters. A group is probably a mother and cubs, the cubs being too young to fend for themselves.

Who is the pack leader of a tiger?

Tigers are solitary animals and do not live in "packs" except for a mother and her cubs.

What is father tiger called?

A male Tiger is a tiger, female is a tigeress and a baby is a cub.