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Yes, gradually.

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Q: Does the panda's fur change as it gets older?
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Are pandas blue?

no , when they are born they have no fur and have a pinkish colour but when they get older there fur is black and white

Why do people shoot pandas?

Most shoot pandas for their fur. A pandas fur is very valuable.

Does puppy fur get darker or lighter as the puppy gets older?


Are newborn pandas born with no fur?

no pandas are born wit fur :D

Why are pandas so furry?

The panda is a type of bear that origionated in more northern climates, as they migrated south the genetic code for fur did not disappear entirely but simply made the pandas fur change color

What kind of skin do pandas have?

Pandas have white fur

Are pandas being poached?

giant pandas are being poached for their fur

Are pandas covered by fur?


Do giant pandas have fur?


Why are giant pandas killed?

for their fur.

Are pandas soft?

their fur is but they are not without the fur. It would be only skin.

Are pandas mammels?

Yes! Pandas give birth, are wam blooded and has fur.