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The Periodic Table give the atomic numbers and the atomic weights of chemical elements.

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Q: Does the periodic table gives the mass number of the most common isotopes of an element?
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What is a similarity and a difference between isotopes of an element?

All isotopes of an element have the same number of protons in the atomic nucleus, which is its atomic number on the periodic table. All isotopes of an element contain different numbers of neutrons in their atomic nuclei, which causes the isotopes of an element to vary in mass number (protons + neutrons).

Isotopes of a particular element in the periodic table have which nuclear property in common?

They have the same number of protons and electrons, but they (only) differ in the number of neutrons (and so they differ in atomic massaccordingly)

What makes isotopes different from elements on the periodic table?

isotopes of a given element have the same atomic number (or number of protons) but vary in the number of neutrons and hence the mass number.

What is the position of isotopes in the modern periodic table?

Isotopes are atoms of same element having different atomic mass, but the same atomic number. Isotopes have not been given separate place in the modern periodic table.

What structural element do all isotopes of an element have in common?

Number of protons in the nuclei of their atoms.

What is the isotope number used for on the periodic table?

There is not an isotope number on the Periodic Table of Elements. There is an atomic number (# of protons) and the average atomic mass. The average atomic mass is the weighted average of all the naturally occurring isotopes for each element. This number is not a whole number, because it is an average of all the isotopes for a particular element.

Why isotopes have same position in periodic table?

Isotopes have the same position in the periodic table because they have the same number of protons, which determines the element they belong to. However, they differ in the number of neutrons, which results in different atomic masses.

What do isotopes and nucleus have in common?

All the isotopes of a chemical element have the same atomic number, number of protons and number of neutrons.

What Is the weighted average of all of the isotopes of an element.?

The answer is the atomic weight of the original element: It's the number on the top left of each element square of the Periodic Table.

By using the periodic table how did you determine how many neutrons are the most common isotope of an element?

Usually the periodic table would not be a good source to determine the number of neutrons; the periodic table focuses on the atomic number, which is the number of protons. An element with a given number of protons can have multiple isotopes, which are elements with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons; in some cases there are a rather large variety of isotopes. Having said that, some periodic tables do represent the commonest isotope or commonest naturally occurring one but are still unlikely to list all possible isotopes.

What is an element's atomic mass not listed as a whole number on the periodic table?

Few elements have isotopes. their atomic mass is not a whole number.

Which periodic table number determines which element an atom is?

An atom's atomic number tells which element it is. The atomic number of an element is equal to its number of protons. The number of neutrons may vary within an element, giving rise to the concept of isotopes.