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Q: Does the presence of the nodes of ranvier speed up velocity of conduction along the axon?
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What is salutatory conduction?

Saltatory conduction refers to the propagation of action potentials along myelinated axons from one node of Ranvier to the next node. It increases the conduction velocity of action potentials.

Is saltatory conduction made possible by large nerves fibers diphasic impulses myelin sheath or erratic transmission of nerve impulses?

Saltatory conduction is made possible by gaps in the myelin sheath (called nodes of Ranvier) along the axon, which allow for the action potential to "jump" from one node to the other, increasing conduction velocity.

Where are action potentials regenerated as they propagate along a myelinated axon?

First at the axon hillock where the neural impulse is initially triggered, and then at the nodes of Ranvier as the impulse continues to travel along the axon.(Note that the impulse travels as electrotonic conduction between the nodes of Ranvier, underneath the glial cells which myelinate the axon.)

What do nerve conduction velocity studies?

Nerve conduction velocity studies (NCV) are used to measure the speed with which an electrical signal is transferred along the nerve.

What makes saltatory conduction possible?

Saltatory conduction is the propagation of action potentials (nerve signals) along axons that occurs by jumping from one node of Ranvier (gap between myelinated sections of axon) to the next. (Saltare means "to hop" or "to jump") By jumping from one node to the next, this increases the conduction velocity, allowing the signal to travel faster.

What are the gaps between the myelin sheath along an axon?

Node of Ranvier

Gaps between segments of oligodendrocytes or between individual schwann cells are called?

The spaces along the axon and between the myelin sheath are known as the nodes of Ranvier. They are responsible for speeding up the signals that are transmitted along the axon of the nerve. While the myelin sheath consists of many layers that protect the axon, the nodes of Ranvier are uncovered, giving them the ability to produce an electrical charge.

What are the gaps found along along a myelin sheath?

node of ranvier

What are the factors which affect the nerve conduction velocity?

The factors affecting nerve conduction velocity are as follows:(i) Axon diameter:An axon with a larger diameter conducts faster. In an unmyelinated fiber, the speed of propagation is directly proportional to the square root of the fiber diameter (D), i.e.,Conduction velocity a D(ii) Myelination and saltatory conduction:Myelination speeds up conduction. Thus, the action potential travels electrotonically along the long myelinated segments, and fresh action potentials are generated only at the nodes. This is called saltatory conduction. In a myelinated neuron, the conduction velocity is directly proportional to the fiber diameter (D).(iii) Temperature:A decrease in temperature slows down conduction velocity, (iv) Resting membrane potential. Effect of RMP changes on conduction velocity is quite variable. Usually, any change in the RMP in either direction (hyper polarization or depolarization) slows down the conduction velocity.

What structure in the neuron helps to speed up the transmission of the action potential?

To speed up transmission of the action potential from where it originates (axon hillock) to where it ends (axon terminal), the action potential propagates by 'saltatory conduction' - and the structure that makes this possible is the insulating layer of myelin sheath that wraps around the axon, arranged in 'nodes' along its length. Technically, it's the gaps between the nodes (nodes of Ranvier) that cause the action to continually propagate and maintain its fast conduction velocity.

Why is the nodes ranvier spaced equally along the axon?

The nodes Ranvier are spaced equally along the axon because of their function which is to transmit information to the different glands, muscles and neurons. The axon is also called a nerve fiber.

What are the gaps in the myelin sheath that create non-insulated areas along an axon?

nodes (:I do not disagree with that answer, but I just want to point out that the nodes have a special name. They are called Nodes of Ranvier, named after the man that discovered them (so Ranvier is capitalized). C: