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He doesn't need to; a single program can perform a single task. However, if a task can be divided up into separate independent tasks we can use multi-threading to achieve it. Most graphical user interface (GUI) applications are multi-threaded insofar as one thread handles the message queue and dispatches messages to "worker threads" in order to carry out the required task. Tasks may share resources (which may require synchronisation), but are otherwise independent of each other and each can carry out their assigned activity just as if they were independent single-task programs.

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Q: Does the programmer need to write a single program that performs many independent activities?
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Continue Learning about General History

What are the four parts of Hamilton's financial program?

Public Credit, Establishing the Bank of America, Creating the US Mint and the coinage of money, and Manufacturing strategies to compete with Europe and to make us independent of their goods.

Who is the first generator of computer software?

AnswerWell, it wasn't me, but I did write my first program in 1956, to make the IBM 650 read a punched card with a month, date, and year on it and punch a card showing the day of the week for that date. It was just a self-assigned exercise, but it was enough to make me a programmer for life.then, whose the one?

What contribution did Ada Bryon make to computing?

Writing the first program codes. However as the machine they were for, Babbage's Analytical Engine, was never built she never got to run them.

How do you program a robot?

Many ways, depending on the robot complexity, how it is being ran and other factors. Conventional 'robots' have motors, sensors, and a computer. Usually the computer runs a program that does all the programming, this can be done in ANY language that the programmer fancies the most. There are some robots called BEAM robots that aren't programmed using code or programming, but instead react as a neural network (like an organic brain) or reactions from the pre built electronics in the robot. This is a VERY open question

What is symbolic constants?

Symbolic constants are constants that the programmer has decided to give a symbolic name (usually one with a meaning to make it easy to remember) so he does not have to retype the numeric value every time he needs it and risk making an error. Many coding standards require ALL constants to be symbolic constants, even if only used once in the program.

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What is the function of program in c?

Whatever the programmer wants it to be.

How do you get a program?

You go to college and become trained as a programmer.

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Custom software performs functions specific to a business or industry.

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A virus is a piece of a program that attaches itself to other programs. In contrast, a worm is a full program that spreads itself, and a trojan is a harmful program that passes itself off as, and in some cases might also be, as useful program.

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It is a "trace" of the program.

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A computer is an electronic (or electromechanical) device that can handle input, processing and produce output. A computer program is a set of rules or instructions that enables the computer to perform these tasks (input, processing and output). They work together, a computer is useless without a computer program, and a computer program cannot work without a computer. It is a symbiotic relationship.

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with mvp pro programmer

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Keywords in a programming language that allow the programmer to redirect the flow of the program based on a decision are called