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The salt wouldn't make you fat BUT it causes water retention. Too much salt= dehydration = your face will LOOK fatter from the water that your body will store in your face .

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Q: Does the salt in sunflower seeds make you fat?
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Is sunflower seeds fattening?

Sunflower seeds are calorie-dense. If you eat the kernels without the hulls as a snack, it's easy to eat too many calories. It's better to limit them to a handful per day, or to sprinkle them on your cereal or salad. Salt does not cause body fat, but it can cause water retention.

How many grams of fat are in one fourth cup of sunflower seeds?

There are 15g of fat in 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds and 15g of fat in 3/4 cup of sunflower seeds still in the shell.

How much is 50g of sunflower seeds?

In 50g of sunflower seeds there are 292 calories. There are 10.5g of protein in this amount of sunflower seeds, and 25.5g of fat.

Can rabbits eat sun flower seeds?

They can indeed. However sunflower seeds contain a high proportion of oil, so if the rabbit eats a lot of sunflower seeds they will get quite fat.

Do sunflower seeds and safflower oil get same results in belly fat loss?


Can parakeets eat a hamster food like sunflower seeds?

They should not eat salted sunflower seeds, the salt is toxic and can kill them. Either buy unsalted seeds or wash them with warm water for a while . Parakeets are very small so too much salt could add up quickly in them, and too many sunflower seeds may be to much fat as well. Just try a couple unsalted.

MLB Manager job requirements?

being an old guy that is fat and eats sunflower seeds on a regular basis

Do sunflower seeds help you lose weight?

Sunflower seeds don't exactly help you lose weight. But they are a good, healthy snack for a weight loss program. They have lots of nutritional benefits. But like any food, you shouldn't overdo it. They're high in fat, but not saturated fat. And eating them throughout the day can be a calorie waster. Eating no more than about 1/4 cup a day should be fine. And salt does not make you gain weight, it only makes you retain water which causes only temporary weight gain. But it is better you eat the unsalted type. People with salt allergies, which many people don't know if they have, can develop high blood pressure from salt.

How do you store sunflower seeds in the freezer?

Because sunflower seeds have a high fat content and are prone to rancidity, it is best to store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. You can also store them in the freezer, because the cold temperature will not greatly affect their texture or flavor.

Can you feed your guinea pig sunflower seeds?

As for salted no do not feed your hamster salted sunflower seeds.I would also not give them cooked sunflower seeds as when they are cooked they lose a lot of nutrients. I would feed my hamster raw unprocessed sunflower seeds. But remember to not feed your hamster too many nuts and seeds. They are good in small amounts but contain a lot of fat. So to summarize do not feed your hamster cooked salted sunflower seeds but instead feed them raw unprocessed sunflower seeds in small amounts.

Are sunflower seeds fattening?

They contain healthy fats which are necessary for aiding weight reduction, lowering cholesterol, enhancing immunity and nourishing the reproductive organs, skin, hair and bone tissue, effectively lubricating our bodies. These are the good fats, vitally important and necessary for life itself. And these fats help you to metabolize fat. They are so important that they are called essential fatty acids (EFAs). Your body cannot make EFAs, so you must get them through the foods you eat. Sunflower seeds are very high in EFAs, so they're very good for you! Avoid the roasted and salted brands though! Go for dry roasted (raw) and unsalted brands.

Will sunflowers seeds help you lose weight?

Sunflower seeds may help you lose weight, but they are not a weight loss miracle. They do contain protein and fiber which will fill you up and they are more nutritious than many popular snacks. However, please keep in mind that they are high in fat and thus high in calories.One cup hulled sunflower seeds, dry roasted without salt:Calories: 745Total fat: 64gSatureated fat: 7gPolyunsaturated fat: 42gMonounsaturated fat: 12gSodium: 4mgPotassium: 1088mgTotal Carbs 31gDietary Fiber: 14gSugars: 3gProtein: 25g