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Q: Does the serval have a long or short tail?
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Related questions

What are the characteristics of a serval?

big ears, yes, the better to hear mice with! But even more so the disproportinate long legs and short tail.

Does a baboon have a long or short tail?

short tail

Is a pigs tail long or short?

A pigs tail is short and curly.

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it has a medium tail

What is the name of a large spotted spotted cat like animal with a raccoon like tail found in Kenya?

Serval. Biological name: Felis Serval

Does tail have a short or long vowel sound?

The AI pair in tail has a long A vowel sound, to sound like tale.

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short tail shaft or long tail shaft trans they are different lengths

How do you know if your turtle is a boy?

long tail...boy...short tail...girl

Does a hamster have a long tail like a rat or mouse?

No, a hamster has a very short tail.

Do zebras have long or short tails?

A zebra has a long tail and it has hair.

How do you tell if a salamnder is a boy or girl?

You can tell by the tail if the tail is short than its a girl if the tail is long its a boy!