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No, it does not. I tried it with my first child & ended up with a boy (we wanted a girl). Since then, I have also talked to many people. Not a single one was able to obtain the desired gender. Shettles is a scam- just a method to make money by selling books. Whatever you do- don't fall for it. Save your money and thry a method that actually works.

UMMM no offense but that is just sortof a stupid answer. listen you have more or less a 50/50 chance in a perfect world. so the worst u can do is 50%. so whoever answered that it didnt work for anybody is sort of ridiculus because even if it doesnt work you still have a 50 50 shot. saying that it didnt work for anybody means that not only does it not work but somehow the shettles method makes is LESS likey to gender select, which is a dumb thing to say. as far as the shettles method is concerned, the NEJM has done a study and said that that timing sex with ovulation has no effect. ive read the shettles method and it does seem to be based on some level of science. I think it would be worth trying and is def. more convenient that IVF and other options. one interesting side note; ive read that the shettles method is 80 to 85% accurate. i looked up the book on amazon and i calculated the reviews (there were almost 200 i believe). The amount of reviewers that got the baby gender they wanted: @82%. hmmm interesting i think.

(b011381) It worked for our first, and my friends baby. I am pregnant now and I am 95% sure that I am having a girl because of the timing.

Be encouraged! Shettles DID work for us. 4 - 5 days prior to ovulation and got pregnant with a little girl. I think it does work as family members have also tried it and it worked with them having a girl.

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