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yes. both

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Q: Does the shiite or the sunni consider themselves more orthodox?
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Are both Sunni and Shiite Islam considered Orthodox Islam?

Answer 1each of them namely ,shiite and sunni , consider himself as right position. it means that shiite and sunnism know themselves as orthodox. but if we take orthodoxy as opinion which is the best and right insight among others.Answer 2Yes. Both the Sunni and Shiite positions taken by the Ulemaa or Scholars are considered to be Orthodox Islam. Non-Orthodox Islam includes more minor sects, such as Ibadiyya and Ahmadiyya, possible post-Islamic sects such as Alevis, Alawites, and Yarsanis, and, finally, Liberal Islamic interpretations (such as those of Tawfik Hamid and Irshad Manji).

Is Gadafi a Sunni or Shiite?

he was Sunni.

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Is Pakistan shiite or sunni?

The majority is Sunni.

Why do sunni's dislike shiite's?

Theological differences. The Shiites believe Muhammed's son-in-law and cousin Ali was the successor to the Caliphate, whereas the Sunni denomination tends to be considerably more orthodox.

Are most Iraqis Sunni or Shiite?

Iraq is majority Shiite, but has a significant Sunni minority.

Who are extreme muslims sunni or shiite?

Extremists come from both the Sunni and Shiite camp, but compose a minority in each.

Can a Kurd be a Sunni or Shiite?

Yes. There are Sunni Kurds (who form the majority) and Shiite Kurds (who form one of the Kurdish minorities).

Who is the taliban sunni or shiite?

they are Wahhabi that is a sunni sect.

Is Sunni a democracy?

No, thats a shiite

The two factions of Sunni and Shiite are from which religion - Christianity Judaism Islam or Hinduism?

the Sunni and Shiite Are two sects of Islam religion.

Are there other Muslims beside sunni and shi'ite?

Yes. The Ibadi are recognized as a third legitimate sect by most Sunnis and Shiites. Additionally, there are sects like the Ahmadiyya which consider themselves to be Muslim, but this contention is challenged by both Sunni and Shiite Muslims do to the Ahmadiyya reverence for Ahmed Mirza Ghulam.