

Sunni Islam

Sunni Islam is the largest religious denomination for any religion in the world and composes roughly 85% of all Muslims. Sunni Islam is sometimes referred to as the orthodox version of Islam. The word "Sunni" comes from the term Sunnah (Arabic: سنة‎), which refers to the collected wisdom of Prophet Muhammad's sayings and actions as recorded in the Hadith and the Sirat an-Nabi.

586 Questions

Do the old stereotypes about Shi'ites and sunnis true?

Stereotypes about Shi'ites and Sunnis can be misleading and not reflective of the diverse beliefs and practices within these groups. It is important to recognize that individuals within both sects are diverse and may not fit into these stereotypes. It is crucial to engage with individuals from these communities to gain a more nuanced understanding of their beliefs and practices.

What is the ratio of shiites to sunnis?

The global Muslim population is approximately 85-90% Sunni and 10-15% Shia. The exact ratio may vary by region.

What are the Sunni Islams?

Sunni Islam is the largest branch of Islam, representing about 85-90% of Muslims worldwide. Sunnis believe in following the practices and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad as recorded in the Hadith and the Qur'an. They form their religious beliefs based on the consensus of the community (ijma) and analogical reasoning (qiyas).

What is the population of sunni religion?

First, you have to understand that there is nothing called Sunni Religion.

Sunni Are Muslims who follow the footsteps of the prophet Mohamed PBUH, they are 90% of the Muslim population.

Shiite are Muslims also, but they have different approach or understanding in the practices, but both worship the one and only god and believe in Mohamed as the prophet and messenger of Allah.

Saying so, the total population of Muslims world wide is 1,226 million.Check the sources on

Is salman khan sunni Muslim?

Salman Khan is a Sunni Muslim born of a Hindu mother and Muslim father, the famous script writer Salim Khan of Salim- Javed fame who were instrumental in shaping Amitabh Bachchan's career.

Salman is known for throwing lavish parties on Eid and has occasionally been seen in observing prayers especially when he was lodged in jail in connection wiyh the black buck shooting. anyway the film stars are in a profession where religion doesn't counts much and a disciplined and well crafted religion as Islam.

why the people thing that salamn khan is not Muslim for rel his Muslim but some people said that salman khan use to like Aishwarya Rai with this he change the religions this thru or not i need the answer.

Was Obama's father sunni?

No, he is Christian, and was raised in the Christian faith by his maternal grandparents. President Obama has no ties with Islam, contrary to internet myths you may have read. But if you are asking about his father, who was born Muslim, Barack Senior left Islam and became an Atheist long before his son was born.

What did Sunni and Shia Muslims disagree about?

How the Muslim community was to be governed.

They just disagreed on the way the successor of the prophet (after his death) should be. Muslims elected Abou Bakr to be the first Caliph after prophet Muhammad (PBUH) death. However, some Muslims believed that the successor should be from the family of the prophet and hence should Ali Ibn Abou Taleb (the prophet cousin and husband of his daughter). However, after the election of AbouBakr, they joined the majority and even Ali Ibn Abou Taleb (God be pleased with him) supported the elected Caliph. The same scenario was repeated after election of Omar Ibn Alkhattab as the second Caliph and Othman Ibn Affan as the third Caliph. Ali Ibn Abou Taleb was then elected as the fourth Caliph.

However, Sunnis and Shiites are just two Islamic schools that differ in minor issues.The outsiders are trying to feed up assumed differences and conflicts between Muslim groups to gain control on Muslim countries and on their resources. The two main groups are Sunnis and Shiites. Both groups agree upon basic Islam pillars, believe in same and only version of Quran, believe and follow the sunnah of same prophet (PBUH), pray to same direction (facing Kaba in Makkah or Mecca in Saudi Arabia, go to same places on pilgrimage (or Hajj), and adhere to same Islam morals and ritual worships. They only differ on some side issues that are not critical.

Is Pakistan mostly Sunni or Shi'ite?

mostly sunni. but have many shia

shia Muslims live in many countries. Iran is the main Shia county and the leader of Shia Islam in world. Shia Islam constitute the majority of the population in Iran (90%), Azerbaijan (75%), Bahrain (30%), Lebanon (65% of Muslims) and Iraq (65%), Yemen (45%). Other countries with a significant proportion of Shia are Syria (15%), Kuwait (35%), Pakistan (20%), India (23% of Muslims), Afghanistan (15%), Saudi Arabia (18%), Turkey (20%), United Arab Emirates (16%), Qatar (15%), Albania(25%).

other Muslim countries are mainly sunni with minor shia population. Qum in Iran and Najaf in iraq are two main city of Shia Islam.

Is the prince of Qatar sunni or shia?

Most Muslims in Saudi Arabia are considered Wahabi, which is a very strict sect of Sunni Islam.

What is the majority in iran shia or sunni?

Yes. 90% of Iran population are shia Muslims and Iran is the most Important and leader country of Shia Muslims.

Muslims in world are near 80% sunni and near 20% shia. researchers have counted up to 260 sect for Islam that they all belong to categories Sunni and shia. the main category of Shia is 12 Imami shia and other sects of shia are nearly extincted.

there is at least 300,000,000 shia Muslims in world, but there is no clear stat. shias always have been controlled and killed during history and so usually they hide their beliefs. all 12 Imams of shia have been killed or spent their life in prison by Omayyads and Abbasids.

Shiites believe the 11th Imam is killed. Comments are hidden, and one day of the twelfthImam will appear. Only God knows the time of the Twelfth Imam.

Is Iran's population mostly Shiite Muslims or Sunni Muslims?

The official religion or race of Iran is shia of course, where over 85% of the population is shia. While the rest are sunnis.

What is the sunni reform movement that began in india and became popular in pakistan called?

The Tablighi Jamaat. This group was founded in the late 1920s by the well known scholar Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Kandhalawi in the Mewat province of India. The inspiration for devoting his life to Islam came to Ilyas during his second pilgrimage to the Hijaz in 1926. Maulana Ilyas put forward the slogan, ‘Aye Musalmano! Musalman bano’ (in Hindi / Urdu) which translates 'O Muslims! Become Muslims' (in English). This expressed the central focus of Tablighi Jamat, which has been renewing Muslim society by renewing Muslim practice in those it feels have lost their Muslim-ness. Ilyas was a prominent member of the Deobandi movement and throughout Tabligh's history there has been a degree of association between the two groups, although Tablighi Jamat does not see itself as Deobandi. Tabligh was formed at a time in India when some Muslim leaders feared that Indian Muslims were losing their Muslim identity to the majority Hindu culture. In 1978, construction of the Tablighi mosque in Dewsbury, England commenced. Subsequently, the mosque became the European headquarters of Tablighi Jamaat. ==Leadership within the movement== Ameer or Zimmadar are titles of leadership in the movement. The first Ameer, also the founder, was Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Kandhalawi (Maulana Ilyas) (1885-1944). The second was his son Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Kandhalawi. The third one was Maulana Inaam ul Hasan. Now there is a shura which includes two leaders: Maulana Zubair ul Hasan and Maulana Saad Kandhalawi. In Pakistan the duties of the Ameer are being served by Haji Abdulwahab. Maulana Muhammad Zakariya al-Kandahlawi is also among the prestigious personalities of the jamaat, as he compiled the famous book Fazail-e-Amal. With the ascent of Maulana Yusuf, Ilyas’ son, as its second emir (leader), the group began to expand activities in 1946, and within two decades the group reached Southwest and Southeast Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America. Initially it expanded its reach to South Asian diaspora communities, first in Arab countries then in Southeast Asia. Once established, the Tablighi Jamaat began engaging local populations as well. In the 1990's, the official apolitical stance of Tabligh was challenged by a break-away sect which added a seventh tenant to Tabligh's 6-point ideology, "jihad in Pakistan and abroad." Although the Movement first established itself in the United States, it established a large presence in Europe during the 1970's and 1980's. It was especially prominent in France during the 1980's, although its influence has fallen since then, with many of its members becoming associated with UOIF, although one of its members is still represented in the French Council of the Muslim Creed. Tabligh's influence has grown, though, in the increasing Pakistani community in France, which has doubled in the decade before 2008 to 50,000-60,000. However, Britain is the current focus of the Movement in the West, primarily due to the large South Asian population that began to arrive there in the 1960s and 1970s. By 2007, Tabligh members were situated at 600 of Britain's 1350 mosques. By 2008 it had a presence in nearly 80 countries and had become a leading revitalist movement. However, it maintains a presence in India, where at least 100 of its Jamaats go out from Markaz, the international headquarters, to different parts of India and overseas. ==Way of Life & Jamaat== Life for Members of the Tablighi Jamaat is supposed to be lived in accord with the life of Muhammad (pbuh) and by going on journeys (Jamaat) to share the faith. When they go on Jamaat members of the Tabligh strive to keep the six principles which are: =*The six principles*= Firm belief in the Kalimah "An article of faith in which the tabligh accepts that there is no god but Allah and the Prophet Muhammad is His messenger. and that Allah can do each and every thing without the help of the creation, and the creation cannot do anything without the help of Allah. The only way to succeed in this world and the next (life after death) is to walk on the path shown by Prophet Muhammad." Concentration and Devotion in Salaat "Five daily prayers that are essential to spiritual elevation, piety, and a life free from the ills of the material world. To build a connection with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and to gain from his unlimited treasures" Ilm and Dhikr "The thirst for knowledge and remembrance of Allah conducted in sessions in which every individual contributes whatever knowledge which one can regarding performing prayers, reciting the Quran and reading Hadith and to gain the remembrance of Allah in every action make Dhikr by reciting 3 Tasbihaat, Third Kalimah, Durood and Istighfaar." Ikram-i-Muslim "The treatment of fellow humans with honor and deference, to love the youngsters and respect the elders and have respect for the scholars of Islam" Ikhlas-i-Niyyat "Reforming one’s life in supplication to Allah by performing every (good) human action for the sake of Allah and toward the goal of self-transformation" Dawat-o-Tabligh "The sparing of time to live a life based on faith and learning its virtues, following in the footsteps of the Prophet, and taking His message door-to-door for the sake of faith. Since Rasoolullah Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam was the last and final prophet, it is our duty to now carry on this work of the prophets, i.e. call others towards good and prevent evil" The Tablighi Jamaat also sets guidelines for local masjids (mosques) to increase the level of worship and local Muslim involvement in the masjid. These guidelines include having the local tablighi workers implement these steps: two weekly jawlas/visits to Muslims (one visit to Muslims surrounding the local masjid and another to the Muslims of a nearby masjid); two daily ta`leems/reading of pious books (one ta`leem in the masjid and another in the worker's home); going out in the path of Allah (SWT) three days a month, forty days a year, and four months once in a lifetime; a daily mashura/council to discuss how to increase tablighi activity in the area; and spending at least two and a half hours in the masjid a day.

Is Katrina Kaif shia or sunni?

It does not matter anymore. It is because she does not believe in her religion. She is a British by Origin.

Is imraan khan a sunni or shia?

Khans can never be shia, In India, they are all non-speaking pashto and are descendents of Afghans that migrated to India after cruel rotten safvid dynasty took over Persia. Pathans are 100% Muslims Hanafi Sunnis.

Is amir khan shia or sunni?

Offcourse not he is a sunni like 90% of mainstream Muslims and his father is from Pakistan, almost all pakistani people are Sunni. Sunni people are generally very goodlooking so he is surely no doubt a Sunni,

Shiites and Sunnis are two major religious sects of?

shia and sunni have mostly same beliefs

but shia believe after death of prophet God select the successive of prophet who is the leader of Muslim community and people can not select it.

shia believe the Imam (successor of prophet) is appointed only by God and can not be selected by people because God said in Koran: "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." (Quran 2:30)

this means only God can select an Islamic leader.

in shia they are only fourteen infallible (12 Imams and prophet and his daughter Fatimah Zahra (sa))

and all of them are the same and have no mistake and have the knowledge of everything (this knowledge is from God and by permission of God and is not absolute knowledge. absolute knowledge is only for God and they still do not know many things. but they know anything human may need to know.) and they never die and they hear all sayings and even thinks of all humans after their death by permission of God and they are intermediates between God and human.

and shia Muslims always support them and forgive their lives for them.

shia muslims do not consider selection of Abubakr as Caliphet valid because God did not select him. they believe God ordered prophet to declear Ali is selected as successor of prophet (Quran 5:3) and prophet did this mission in Ghadir event that was in last Hajj of prophet in his life and prophet did a speech for 120,000 Muslims participating that Hajj with prophet. the famous shia book Al-Ghadir is a collection of evidences and proofs for Ghadir Hadith from 10,000 sunni books.

What are the branches of Sunni and Shiite Islam?

shiism did not undergo any divisions dyring the imamate of the first three Imam: Ali, Hasan , Husayn. but after the martyrdom of Husayn, the majority of shiites accepted the Imamate Of Ali ibn Husayn ibn Al-Sajjad, while a minority known as Kaysaniyyah believed that the third son of Ali, Muhammed Ibn Al Hanafiyyah was the fouth Imam as well as the promised Mahdi and that he had gone into occultation in the Rawdah mountain and one day would reappear. after the death of Imam Al Sajjad , the majority of shiites accepted as Imam his son, Muhammad Al BAqir while a minority followed Zayd al Shahid, another son of imam Al Sajjad and became known as ZAydis, Following Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir, the Shiites accepted his son Jafar Al-Sadiq as Imam ad after the death of imam Jafar, the majority followed his son Imam Musa Al-Kazim as the seventh Imam. However one group followed the older son of the sixth imam, Ismail, whi had died while his father was still alive and when this latter group separated from the majority of shiites, it became known as as Ismailis. others accepted as Imam either Abdullah Aftah or Muhammad, both sons of sixth imam. finally another party stopped with sixth Imam himself and considered him as the last Imam. In the same way after the martyrdom of Imam Musa-Alkazim the majority followed his son, Ali Al-Rida, as the eighth Imam. however some stopped with the seventh imam and became known as the waqifiyyah.

from the eighth Imam to the twelfth, whom the majority of shiites believed to be the promised mahdi, no division of any importance took place in Shiism.

the sunnis divide in terms of the school of jurisprudence into four schools: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafehii, Hanbali.

What is the importance of Shiites?

All muslims have common beliefs :

Belief in Allah:means believing firmly in His existence, Lordship and Divinity, and in His names and attributes.

Belief in the Messengers of Allah: It is to believe that Allah chose the finest amongst mankind to be Messengers whom He sent to His creation with specific legislations; to worship and obey Him, and to establish His religion and His Tawheed (oneness). Allah ordered His Messengers to convey the Message to people, so that they would not have any proof against Him after He sent them.

Belief in the Last Day: It is to believe that the life of this world will come to an end. Allah says:

(Everyone upon it [i.e., the earth] will perish. And there will remain the Face of your Lord, Owner of Majesty and Honor.) (55:26-27)

Every person believes this principals are called muslim.they are common beliefs in islam but after death of prophet differencs emrge about the succor of the prophet.

Acoording the Quran and speeches of prophet, Shia Muslims believe that just as a prophet is appointed by God alone, only God has the prerogative to appoint the successor to his prophet. They believe God chose Ali to be Muhammad's successor, infallible, the first caliph (khalifa, head of state) of Islam. Muhammad, before his death, designated Ali as his successor.Ali was Muhammad's first cousin and closest living male relative as well as his son-in-law, having married Muhammad's daughter Fatimah. So the many belief importance of shia is imams belief which cotinue to present untill twelfth iman (pbuh) .and shia muslim follow iman in everthing .