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Yes it does. The size of the balloon determines how much volume of gas can be held in it.

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Q: Does the size of the air balloon matter when its up in the air?
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Does the air in a blown up balloon have mass?

Air, or oxygen and nitrogen is matter. All matter has mass. So the answer to this question is yes, air in a blown up balloon or any air does have mass.

Is air matter how can you tell-?

Yes it is, because when you blow air into a balloon, the balloon expands meaning it takes up space.

Does air in a balloon have no measurable mass?

No, air is matter and all matter takes up space therefore, having a mass. You can find it by subtracting the mass of the balloon from the total mass of the balloon and the air. (You will need a very accurate scale.)

How can an inflated balloon help you define matter?

an inflated balloon has air in it so it takes up more space and matter is something that takes up more space so here by defining matter.

Is a Hot Air Balloon an example of matter?

Anything that takes up space has matter ... so YES ...

What can be recycled Energy or matter?

Both because matter is anything that takes up space the computer u are using is matter air is matter because air inside a balloon takes up space

Does air have have mass?

Yes. Mass is a property of matter. All matter has mass. Air is matter in the gaseous phase. Anything that takes up space has matter. An atom takes up space, and air is made of atoms. (Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen mainly..) . So since it takes up space, it has mass. You can visualize this by simply blowing up a balloon. The balloon is empty at first. As you inflate the balloon with air from your lungs, the flexible sides of the balloon must expand to accommodate the increased volume of air. The more air you put in, the harder the air presses against the sides of the balloon, and the firmer the balloon gets. Pretty soon the balloon has stretched as far as it can, and then >bang<! The pressure of air is too much, and it bursts. If your Basketball is "flat", it simply doesn't have enough air inside it to keep it firm. More air = more pressure. So you can see clearly that "air", even though it is invisible, does indeed have mass.

Explain how you know that air is matter?

Determine the mass of an empty balloon. Then blow as much air as you can into the balloon and determine the mass again. The blown up balloon should be heavier and occupy more volume (is bigger). This shows that the air used to blow it up has mass and volume, and therefore is matter.

How do you know that the air you breathe is matter even though you can't see it?

We know air is matter because when we blow up a balloon the air will take up space so the balloon gets bigger. We know that air has matter because it has mass. Anything that has mass and takes up space has matter.

Why is air is considered a matter?

Yes, air is a mixture of gasses (roughly 80% nitrogen, 20% oxygen, with small amounts down to traces of carbon dioxide, water vapor, neon, argon, krypton, radon, carbon monoxide, methane, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, various nitrogen oxides, etc.). Air has mass & weight. Air occupies a volume of space. Air moves and you feel it when it does (i.e. wind).

When you insert a balloon into a bottle and you pump air into the balloon why the balloon will not fill up the bottle?

Balloon will not fill up the full bottle in this experiment as the air is restricted by the walls of the balloon. Balloon is a solid so the air will take its shape.

Why did they call it the hot air balloon?

A hot air balloon is called an hot air balloon because, the inside is heated up to make it less dense, allowing it to rise. Meaning, your heating up the air inside the balloon, hence, the name: Hot air balloon.