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Q: Does the size of the salt matter in melting ice?
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Related questions

What do you think salt does to the melting point of ice?

Salt lowers the melting point of ice.

What are examples of melting ice and dissolving salt in water?

Ice melting in a glass, salt in the ocean

When you add salt to ice what happens to the melting point of the ice?

Adding salt to ice decreases its melting point. Adding salt to the top of ice helps melt the ice faster.

Will the melting point of ice increase or decrease when salt is added on it?

The melting point of ice decreases when salt is added.

Does the ice cube size effect the melting time while it weighs the same?

The size doesn't matter. What will matter is the shape. The more contact the outer layer has the faster heat can be transferred into the ice.

How come ice with salt melts faster than ice with no salt?

Since impurities decrease melting point of solid ,so ice mixed with salt has lower melting point then pure ice .

Why if you left an ice cube and salt at the sun the ice cube melts and the salt doesnt?

Because the melting temperature of the ice is 32°F and the melting temperature of the salt is 1,474°F.

Why does salt prevent ice from forming on sidewalk?

salt lowers ice's melting point

When making homemade ice cream using table salt to lower the freezing point of water why does it matter that table salt has more chemicals than rock salt?

The chemcial make up of table salt hampers the melting of the ice.

Does putting salt on ice helps to slow melting?

Ice melts when it gets warmer. The ice is receiving energy in the form of sunlight no matter how reflective it is. When the ice is reflective, the energy turns around and leaves as reflected sunlight. Less reflective ice has more of the energy stay in the ice as heat, warming it up and melting it faster.

Discusion for does salt affect the melting rate of ice?

Salt lower the freezing point of ice.

What are irreversible materials?

melting choalate,melting ice ,dissolving salt in water