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Sunlight SneezingI read/heard once that this was caused by the optic nerve being in close proximity to the trigiminifacial (sp?) nerve. The activity on the optic nerve when going from relative dark to light somehow 'spills over' and activates the trigiminifacial (sp?) nerve to cause sneezing.

This is also commonly known as "Photic Sneezing" some people have "photic sneeze disorder" which can be quite problomatic in some cases.

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4w ago

It is possible for some people to experience a phenomenon known as "photic sneeze reflex," where exposure to bright light, such as sunlight, can trigger a sneeze. This reaction is thought to be due to a genetic predisposition.

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13y ago

The phenomenon is called the "photic sneeze reflex". It does not occur in all people. The reasons behind the phenomenon are poorly understood.

If you stare at the sun, your retinas would burn and you'd become blind. You're body protects your eyes by sneezing. The force of the sneeze forces your eyes closed, thereby protecting them.

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7y ago

That this happens is well known and called the photic sneeze reflex. It is believed to be a genetic tendency and has been documented for many centuries. Current thinking is that the syndrome is linked to the human nervous system, and was perhaps caused by the confusion of nerve signals coming from the eyes.

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12y ago

It doesn't make me sneeze but if I have to sneeze and I look at the sun it will help me. I've found look up or a bright light helps as well

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It can make you sneeze if your allergic to tomato ketchup.

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Salt doesn't make you sneeze because, well basicly its salt. but pepper does make you sneeze. hope this helps:)

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Some people only sneeze once. Like me but my sneeze is a scream. I sneeze from my throat so that is probably why I only sneeze once. When you sneeze it is normally because your nasal passages are filled with mucus and your body is trying to remove it. When you sneeze multiple times it is just a reaction. Have you noticed if someone tickles your nose or you look at the sun you sneeze? After one sneeze some people have that tickle feeling so they sneeze repeatedly.

Why is a sneeze called a sneeze?

Because when you sneeze the sound you make is "SNEEZE!" ^No, it really isn't. I've not heard one person say "SNEEZE" when they sneeze, ever in my life. I've heard people say "Achoo", "Atishoo" and other ones, but never "SNEEZE".

What is optic sneezes?

When a bright light, like the sun, makes you sneeze.

What kind of things make dogs sneeze?

The same things that make a human black pepper.

Who can tomato ketchup make you sneeze?

Tomato ketchup could make one sneeze if one were to insert it into one's nose.

How do you sneeze on command?

Bright lights! Ever wak out into the sun and sneeze, it's a natural reaction to the light. Other than that maybe snorting/sniffing pepper.

How is sneezing like a bee?

Many people make funny noises when they sneeze. Some may make a high pitched noise like the buzzing of a bee when they sneeze. Everyone has a different sound when they sneeze.

How can you make the casino business better?

u sneeze on your hand and shake the person hand and sneeze agin but on them.

What is the most accurate way to make yourself sneeze I need to know within the next minute?

You can use pepper to make yourself sneeze. If you smell the pepper you will probably sneeze. The nose is very sensitive to pepper.