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No, P-waves and S-waves are used to measure seismic events under the Earth's surface.

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Q: Does the surface wave magnitude or M's measure the movement of seismic waves underneath the Earth's surface?
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What is the difference between Richter and Moment Magnitude scale?

the moment magnitude scale is used to measure earthquake magnitude-taking into account the size of the fault rupture, the rocks stiffness,and the amount of the movement of the fault- using values that can be estimated from the size of several types of seismic waves. while a Richter scale is a numerical scale used to measure the magnitude of an earthquake, using values based on the size of the earthquakes largest seismic waves.

What is magnitude and how is it measured?

magnitudea measure of the amount of the energy released by earthquake . earthquake is measure through Ricthter scale that measure the magnitude of seismic waves that it has

What is the difference between Richter magnitude and moment magnitude?

the moment magnitude scale is used to measure earthquake magnitude-taking into account the size of the fault rupture, the rocks stiffness,and the amount of the movement of the fault- using values that can be estimated from the size of several types of seismic waves. while a Richter scale is a numerical scale used to measure the magnitude of an earthquake, using values based on the size of the earthquakes largest seismic waves.

What is Moment Magnitude?

Moment Magnitude is an earthquake measure that calculates energy during an eruption. It is based on the seismic movement which equals the Earth's rigidity which is then multiplied by the average slip on the fault and the size of the slipped area.

What is earthquake magnitude and how is it measured?

magnitudea measure of the amount of the energy released by earthquake . earthquake is measure through Ricthter scale that measure the magnitude of seismic waves that it has

What do seismologists measure?

A seismograph is a device that scientists use to measure earthquake severity. It also determine the origination of the tremor and magnitude.

How are energy of seismic waves related to magnitude?

they are not related to magnitude. seismic waves are related to my great aunt paula but not magnitude

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An earthquake's magnitude is a measure of its strength.

What are devises used to know the intensity and magnitude of earthquake?

Those devices are called Seismometer's. They are used to measure seismic shockwaves ( earthquake's)

What monitoring device measures vertical movement of an earthquake?

A seismograph is an instrument used to measure movement of earthquake. It measures the seismic waves of that area.

How is magnitude measure using Richter scale?

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