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Q: Does the temperature of ice water lower than the temperature of dry ice in alcohol?
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Is the temperature of ice water lower than the temperature of dry ice in alcohol?

No. The temperature of dry ice is far lower than that of ice water.

Why is temperature of boiling water cannot be measured using an alcohol thermometer?

Because the alcohol boils at a lower temperature than water.

How Eliminate alcohol in urine test?

heat it. Alcohol boils at a lower temperature than water

Why will a dish of water freeze if put into pan of alcohol and air is blown over it?

Alcohol has a lower boiling point than water therefore it will evaporate at a lower temperature than water. The alcohol that evaporates will give off cool vapors that when blown around the water will cause the temperature of the water to decrease and eventually freeze.

Why alchol can measure freezing point of water?

Because alcohol freezes at a lower temperature than water.

Why does it take more energy to make water evaporate than alcohol?

Alcohol starts evaporating at a lower temperature than water. therefore it evaporates quicker

Why does beer freeze and liquor does not?

Actually, liquor does freeze, only at far lower temperatures than water. That is because alcohol has a much lower freezing point, like the antifreeze we put in car radiators to keep the water from freezing in cold weather. Liquor does freeze but at a lot lower temperature than water, this is due to the alcoholic content. The higher the alcohol content the lower the temperature need to freeze it

Does drinking water boil at a lower temperature than salt water?

Yes, drinking water does boil at a lower temperature than salt water.

Why is administering an alcohol run or sponge is commonly done to lower the temperature of a feverish person?

Alcohol evaporates very fast and that cools the person better than plain water will.

What chemical in rubbing alcohol doesn't freeze?

Because some chemicals in the alcohol has a freezing temperature lower than that of H2O.

How cold can wine get before the bottle will break?

Depends. Alcohol freezes at a lower temperature than water. Solutes in water lower the freezing point. So it depends in the stuff mixed into the water. I've found that smaking the bottle on the edge of a table breaks the bottle in just about any temperature.

How does fresh water freezes faster than salt water?

When water has a substance dissolved in it, it freezes at a lower temperature. Salt water has salt dissolved in the water, so it freezes at a lower temperature than fresh water.